
Antikythera Mechanism

last Web page update March 09 2009. Antikythera images used here are with permission, © Copyright 2006 Antikythera Mechanism Research Project.

In 2007 I did a personal study of the Greek astronomical computer known as the Antikythera Mechanism. It was found a century ago in waters off the Antikythera Island near Greece. It was known for decades to be some kind of mechanical device from early Greece. Recent studies with X-ray tomography and digital imaging has clearly identified this as an astronomical mechanical computer which can predict eclipses and planetary positions. It's an extraordinary device.

In 2007 I read an article in Nature magazine about these studies, and contacted the authors to get more information about the device. They were very generous and provided additional images. I was able to assist them with some indexing of those images versus the many fragments of the Mechanism. You can see the index I produced, and references to the article and authors, at this Web page.

[Antikythera model]

The photo to the left is me, with an (upside down) model of the Antikythera Mechanism. It was taken at a Greek Orthodox church in Hamilton NJ (USA), which exhibited this model in May 2007 at a festival. It was also shown earlier in May in New York City, at a parade to celebrate Greek independence. The model was made or supported by the following individuals. Dr. Georgia Triantafillou of Temple University in Philadelphia USA, at the Math Dept.; Dr. Vladimir Visnjic, also at the Math Dept. at Temple, and a scholar of Nicola Tesla. Also noted as contributing to the model were "Thanasis Ginis" and "Krasi", affiliations unknown.

For other work by me, Herb Johnson about "retrotechnology", please see my home page at this link. - Herb Johnson

Contact information:
Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
herbajohnson AT retrotechnology DOT com

Copyright © 2009 Herb Johnson