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For devices of 1Mbit and over, generally each manufacturer uses his own scheme to mark memory chips.However, some simple tricks can be used in most cases to determine the exact type of chip.
Usually the number starts with one or two characters and a few digits which are specific to the manufacturer. For an FPM, nibble, SC or EDO chip the rest of the sequence is usually buit up more or less the same : first an indication of the total memory and refresh address range is given, then the number of bits per chip, then the mode of operation terminating with the memory speed.
Format : ----AA B CC -J DD--
----: Manufacturer codes, see below
AA : Total number of megabits. 1=1Mb, 4=4Mb, 16=16Mb/4k refresh, 17=16Mb/2k refresh.
B : Data width. (1,4,8)
CC : I/O mode :
Sometimes it may be easier to read the package number from the LAST digits and to read to the LEFT. Start with the access time for the rightmost digits, then the package type (either J or CJ) to the left, then the I/O mode, etc.
Examples :
1) HYB51 4 4 00 BJ -60 (8x)
2) HYB51 17 4 00 BJ -70 (2x)
The chip is thus 4Mx4 70ns FPM.
If there are 2 such chips on a 30pin simm module, then we have 4Mx4x2=4Mx8.Therefore, this is a 4Mbyte Fast page 30 pin module with no parity.
The following are table of manufacturer codes.
Manufacturer codes:
Micron MT4CTI TMS4Fujitsu MB81Goldstar GM71CHitachi HM51, HM61Hyundai HY51Mitsubishi M5MNEC uPD4OKI MSM5Panasonic MN41Samsung KM4nC, n=1 or 4 or 16 for data path widthToshiba TC51
For older RAM chips of under a few megabytes, you'll see numbers like the following:
xxxxxxx4C256 or xxxxxxxC4256: 256K by 4
xxxxxx4160 or xxxxx4260: 256K by 16
xxxx4800 or xxxx8512: 512K by 8
xxxx8160: 1M by 16xxxx6160: 1M by 16, 4K refresh