This Web page created Nov 28 2024 last updated Jan 2 2025. It's an index to a number of repair and restoration Web pages I have. This page links to my Web content on the Intel 4004 and 4040 items and artifacts I have. - Herb Johnson
Intel intially developed the 4004 processor, followed by the 8008. Later the 4040 and the 8080 became available about the same time.
Intel SIM-04 is a one or two-card 4004 system for 4004 and 4040 development. I don't have this Intel product but I discussed and disassembled an Intel assembler for it.
Intel UPP is an Intel 4040 based product to program UV-erasable EPROMs. It connected to the Intel 8008/8080 intellec 8/80 system through a specific cable connector and controling software. I don't think it was used with the intellec 4/40 systems. I'm not sure if it was used with Intel Multibus MDS 8-bit systems.
Intel intellec 4/40 is a 4040 based development system for 4004 and 4040 code. It contains a number of Intel cards and has a limited signal bus but is not a fully-bussed system of cards.
Pro-log and Prolog is a brand of small-card development products, with a 54-pin edge connector, developed for many 8-bit processors but initially for the Intel 4004, 4040, 8008 and 8080. Early cards had edge connector signals specific to each card, they were hand-wired together. Later, Prolog developed the STDbus. Cards to that standard have a consistent address/data/signal bus.
In 2023-24 I discussed with Dwight Elvey, his disassembly of a set of ROMS for the SIM-04 which contained Tom Pittman's SIM-04 ROM based assembler. In discussions with Dwight he explains the SKIP instruction he found in that code. I and others also disassembled the ROM, I show the results.
I acquired at a hamfest in the 2000's, an Intel MCS Intellec 4/40 system; also an Intel Universal PROM Programmer or UPP. In late 2012 I acquired an empty UPP chassisThis page shows the Intellec 4/40 I have. In the course of March 2014, I got the Intellec 4/40 to run under its ROM serial monitor.
In Oct 2023 I acquired another intellec 4/40, from the estate of the original owner Lawrence Hale. It's incomplete but largely intact. In late 2023 I scanned Hale's partial copy of the Intel Insite Library catalog of programs for the Intel 4004 and 4040. Some of those shorter programs are listed in the catalog. Detail and the catalog directory is on my Hale 4/40 Web page. The document itself is available by request. Check the Hale Web page for details.
Another Web page shows the Intel UPP's I have, formerly they were on this Web page.. The UPP includes an Intel 4040 based controller, but does not have ANY board plug-compatible with the intellec 4/40.
As I acquired, repaired and reviewed Intel 4004 and 4040 equipment, I noticed that chip-collectors were selling off the 4001 mask-programmed ROM-I/O chips, often pulling them from these Intel boards. So I started a list of 4001 chip-markings I've seen. My Web pages try to identify 4001s on whatever Intel boards I can spot. NOte that Dwight Elvey found the Intel 1702 ROMS for Intel's 4004 assembler by patiently asking ROM collectors to spot them.
While I studied the early use of RCA's COSMAC 1802 CMOS processor in space, I came across use of an Intel processor in NASA spacecraft. See how the first microprocessor to go into space was put to use.
Here's a bit of discussion I wrote about Intel's time before the 8080. Also, here's a chapter from Intel's MCS-40 User's Manual on the Intellec 4/40.
Additional Intel 4040-based items were acquired by me in 2006. It included a set of 4040 Prolog-brand cards and Prolog brand docs for the 4004 and 4040. Prolog developed the STDbus, an industrial standard for decades used for microcomputer based control and data systems. But the 4004 and 4040 were never STDbus cards which came later.
The Intellec 4/40 and Prolog model 900 PROM programmer were exhibited in 2014 at Vintage Computer Festival - East 9.1. The 900 used the 4004 processor.
PS: Closely related to the MCS 4/40 and UPP, was the later Intel Intellec 8 and 8 mod 80 or 8/80 systems. I compare the 4/40 and the 8/80 on my 4/40 Web page.
My Intel Multibus Web pages have a home at this Web link. While none of them support the 4004 or 4040, Some Intel software on those systems may have supported those processors, or opperated the Intel UPP.
- Herb Johnson
Copyright © 2025 Herb Johnson