Most recent revision date NOv 14 2024. This page lists EXAMPLES of Apple's G3 and G4 Macs. Earlier systems are also shown on my site, at the links below. For technical descriptions and version information, check the "Low End Mac" Web site at this link.
We are primarily selling older Mac PARTS. We are generally not offering systems or motherboards. Systems shown on this Web page are examples. We may not have these sytems for sale. Contact us for prices for specific parts or systems. If you would like parts from these listed systems, like power supplies or logics (CPU cards), or add-on cards, ask for availability and price. A complete list of pointers to our Mac inventory, services and information can be found on my Mac home page.
To order, please follow this link for
ordering information, terms and conditions, and info about
orders outside the USA. A complete list of pointers to our Mac inventory, services and
information can be found on my Mac home page.
Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available. Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available. I will try to keep these lists current.
When ordering parts, please identify your Mac G3 or G4 system - specifically by motherboard. Apple uses "model M5183" on their cabinets to identify ALL the G3 and G4 "tower" type models by CASE. Sorry about that! You need to check the motherboard part number to know what kind of G4 you have and what parts are compatible. Look at this page for typical motherboard part or model numbers, and features specific to variations of those models. Check the Web for discussions and more information.
Here's some Web site links to inform you about G3 and G4 models and features. This article from Apple's Info site talks about differences among Apple's G4 systems VGA, ADC and DVI video cards and ports. This article from Low End Mac talks about G3 blue and white model differences. This article from talks about Yikes! versus Sawtooth.Some info about G3 grey/platinum ROM and motherboard revisions are in this document.
Some customers are interested in upgrading G4 AGP Sawtooth systems to dual processors. This upgrade apparently depends on the version of the motherboard (so called version 2) or revision of the chipset "Uni-N" or "Uni-North" on the motherboard (the uni-n=7 version). To find the version using System Profiler, or the motherboard revision, check this text document". For more information, do a Web search "Uni-N G4 Sawtooth" to find links to descriptions and methods regarding such upgrades. We don't advise on these issues; at best we can try to identify the revisions of items we sell and offer.
Here's a little story as to why I don't often sell G4 "systems". I'm listing these systems below as typical parts sources. Generally, my customers are people who have a G4 which needs parts for their repairs. If I tried to sell "systems", I would have to price them at the total value of their parts. Don't ask "how much for a complete and working system?" because that would cost more, and I cannot warrant a system "for use". Customers who want a complete system, often find a private owner of a no-longer-used system, who will sell it for much less. Or on various Web auction sites. REsult- you may get an incomplete or nonworking system, or one broken in shipping. If so, you can buy repair parts here.
The CRT-based iMacs and eMacs have become so inexpensive, that costs and efforts of shipping and packing outweigh the profit I can make from them. Therefore I do not offer these as systems, I only offer a few parts. See my iMac, eMac parts for part prices. We usually keep a few iMacs on hand, and their parts.
For G3 G4 G5 USB keyboards and mice, check my parts page
Powerbook 3400c "Bongs" but didn't boot up Dec 2021. Clicks and then emits a
falling tone three times; repeats. Ran some years ago. So likely a parts source.
Dec 2021: white Apple Macbook 13" 2009 model A1181 - damaged cheap keyboards and trackpads top case assembly for parts. I have several pulled keyboard/trackpad assemblies, for parts like keypads and trackpads. Part numbers are 613-6408 frame 821-0409 trackpad cable. These are used untested no warranties, almost certainly with problems but they have all keycaps and other parts to attempt to repair your keyboard. Sold cheap - $10 plus shipping with cosmetic issues and/or missing keys, $20 plus shipping best cosmetics clean not faded as available. These laptops aren't expensive so these parts aren't expensive. Weight is 10 ounces so can't ship first-class mail: these will cost $10-$16 in Priority Mail postage but a few will cost the same to ship. Feb 2017: G3 laptop, 333Mhz, likely "Lombard", 320MB memory, bronze keyboard, no DVD decoder. Powers up and boots and runs OS 9. Needs PRAM battery to hold time and date. Primary battery is dead and won't charge. Includes Apple AC "power cord" power supply. Has CD-ROM (read-only) removable drive. We also have ZIP and SuperDrive removable drives.
IBook G4 A1133 date 2005. Parts only, keyboard damaged., dirty, screen
not cracked, no battery.
IBook date 2001, M6497. Clean and was functional but had wrong OS
installed and did not complete boot to OS. With AC supply, can test;
also two batteries not warranted.
Mac laptops before the G3, and their parts, can be found on this Web page. Some unused Mac laptop parts can be found on this linked Web page.
Apple uses "model number" to identify CASES, not systems. Sorry about that! You need to check the motherboard part number to know what kind of G4 you have and what parts are compatible.
Follow this Web link to our G4 parts. We generally sell parts, not systems.
Read this note as to why. Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I may have available for parts and testing. Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I may have available. I will try to keep these lists current.
This affects your choice of power supplies and video cards for some G3 G4 G5 models. With the G3 and continuing with the G4 and G5, Apple introduced an AGP graphics card that
provides DC power to Apple's monitors (CRT and LCD) thru the Apple "ADC port" connector. Those monitors do not have an AC cord! On the motherboard, the Apple AGP slot (green in photo) and card has an additional tab to carry the 28V DC to the ADC connector, and so to the monitor. and those G4 and
G5 models have an AC power supply which includes that 28V. While you can use other monitors with those Macs through
the VGA connector, the AGP card and power supply must be replaced with compatible or the same models.
For G3 G4 G5 USB keyboards and mice, check my parts page
G4 400MHz single CPU, "Gigabit Ethernet", #2 A grey tower G4 400Mhz, model M5183, motherboard 820-1153 A, Single 400MHz processor 820-1163A. This has DVD-ROM (Hitachi GD-7000), ZIP drive, the usual Firewire and USB but it has Gigabit Ethernet, and a 2X AGP video slot. The video card (ATI Rage 128 PRO 630-3500) has both VGA and the digital video "ADC port". This system has the power supply with 28 volts and 22-pin connector (630-0112, AcBel API-9841-291 OR 614-0112 DPS-338BB A) and AGP video card to provide 28 volts to the ADC port to send power and USB to the Mac studio monitor. Boots and runs OK. Sold as parts only. Shipping weight 38 lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system.
Grey G4 DUAL 500MHz 1153-A Gigabit Ethernet, DVD-ROM, ZIP, 630-3372, +28V supply; otherwise similar to G4 400Mhz sysstem above. See the parts section for specific parts from this system.
Grey G4 DUAL 533MHz 1153-A Gigabit Ethernet, DVD-ROM, ZIP, 630-3372, +28V supply; otherwise similar to G4 400Mhz sysstem above. See the parts section for specific parts from this system.
G4 400MHz "Sawtooth" AGP graphics A grey tower G4 with 400Mhz processor 820-1163 A, model M5183, motherboard 820-1094 A, serial number ends ...YHQTD (version 2?) This has DVD-ROM (Matshita 8585), ZIP drive, the usual Ethernet/Firewire/USB. Power supply (*SOLD* 03/06) had 20-pin connector (no +28 volts), Apple 614-0108 from Delta (DPS-200PB-110). The AGP video card (ATI Rage 128, 630-3102) has a VGA connector and the digital DVI-D port (no power to monitor). Power/reset panel 820-1067-A. Boots and runs OK. System not available except for parts. Shipping weight 38 lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
G4 500MHz "Sawtooth" AGP graphics A grey tower G4 with 500Mhz processor, motherboard 820-1094 A, similar to the above system and available as parts. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
G4 533MHz "Digital Audio" AGP graphics A grey tower G4 with 533Mhz processor, model M5183, motherboard 820-1173-A 630-33260. This has sony CD-RW, the usual Ethernet/Firewire/USB. This system has the power supply with 28 volts and 22-pin connector (630-0112, AcBel API-9841-291) and AGP video card (NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MX 32MB 600-8624) to provide 28 volts to the ADC port to send power and USB to the Mac studio monitor. Power/reset panel. Boots and runs OK. System not available except for parts. Shipping weight 38 lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
Grey G4 733MHz 1173-A Digital Audio, DVD-RW, 630-3680 AGP video, ATTO SCSI card, 28V supply. Otherwise similar to 533MHz Digital Audio system above. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
G4 733MHz "Quicksilver" A grey tower G4 with 733Mhz processor, motherboard 820-1342-B 630-3828 from year 2001. This has DVD-R CD-RW, Gigabit Ethernet, Firewire, USB. This system has a 340 watt power supply with 25 volts (614-0158 or 614-0157, DCP 340AB A) and AGP video card SLOT(may not have video card) to provide 25 volts to the ADC port to send power and USB to the Mac studio monitor. Power/reset panel. Uses PC133 memory. Boots and runs OK. System not available except for parts. Shipping weight ?? lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
G4 866MHz "Mirror Door" A grey tower G4 with 866Mhz processor, case model M8670, motherboard 820-1476-A 630-4556 from year 2002. This has CD-RW drive , Gigabit Ethernet, Firewire, USB. This system has a power supply with 25 volts (API-IPC36) and AGP video card SLOT(may not have video card) to provide 25 volts to the ADC port to send power and USB to the Mac studio monitor. Power/reset panel. Uses DDR memory. Boots and runs OK. System not available except for parts. Shipping weight ?? lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote.
Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available.
Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available.
I will try to keep these lists current.
For G3 G4 G5 USB keyboards and mice, check my parts page
Apple uses "model M5183" to identify ALL the G3 and G4 "tower" type case models. Sorry about that! You need to check the motherboard part number to know what kind of G3 you have and what parts are compatible. G3 400Mhz blue & white tower Yosemite rev 2, plays DVD's Blue and White G3 tower system, 400MHz. This is a "revision 2" motherboard (improved IDE/ATA, 90MHz video card) number 820-1049A. Zip drive, DVD-ROM (Matshita 8583), usual ethernet/firewire/USB, ADB port, ATI video card 630-2858 with add-on board for DVD decodingApple part # 661-2109 820-1012-A . Power Supply 200 watt AcBel API-8594 (same as 614-0085). No modem. Tested with OS 8.2 and its DVD player. Shipping weight 35 lbs. See the parts section for specific parts from this system, or ask for a quote. G3 350Mhz blue & white tower Yosemite rev 2 Blue and White G3 tower, 350MHz systems. This is a "revision 2" motherboard (improved IDE/ATA, 90MHz video card) number 820-1049A. Zip drive, CD-ROM drive, ethernet/firewire/USB ports, ADB port, ATI video card 630-2858. Power supply 614-0085, DPS 200PB. No modem. (Note: one system has a ATI 630-2896 video card. one system has a AcBel API-8594 power supply.)
G3 350MHz Blue and white tower rev 1 for parts. Blue and White G3 tower, Rev 1, 350MHz systems from which I've removed processors or other parts. What remains are the cases, motherboards, ZIP drives, power supplies and video cards. Power supplies are all 614-0085 DPS 200PB models; ATI video cards are either 630-2858 or 630-2896. If you ask for parts, I'll pull them from these first. All were tested before removing processors.
We don't sell grey G3 systems, but we sell their parts. See the G3 grey/platinum system parts section for prices on specific parts, or ask for a quote. Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available.
Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available.
I will try to keep these lists current.
I don't have any inner bezels for around the CRT, 922-3615, sorry. These are all very fragile, because of age AND because of the high voltage from the CRT which damages plastics (ozone). It will be very difficult to find one of these used, and have it removed intact. And so it's in demand accordingly. Also shipping costs will be higher because of size and fragility, it will need careful packing in a large box. I'm saying, this won't be cheap from anyone. I don't have it and I'm not likely to find one intact.
I have some parts from disassembled 15-inch CRT iMac G3's (233, 266, 333, 400MHz; years 2000 or so). I don't have much from later iMac
models. These parts are too numerous to identify and price. You are welcome to ask for specific parts with colors and features
for a specific iMac. Check the Apple iMac G3 Service Source manual for service part numbers and diagrams of the disassembled Mac.
Apple brand Airport wireless "adapter card" 076-0804 for the iMac and related computers. *out** The following are pulled from graphite iMac G3 slot loading 400MHz to 600MHz systems: Parts are from the G4 grey tower systems above and G5 system.
Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available.
Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available.
I will try to keep these lists current.
G5 parts - to be listed
Motherboards priced seperately from processors and heatsinks. I may not be able to test these, ask. G4 graphite grey tower chassis used parts
These are USED parts in good condition, some have scuffs. Please don't ask for "perfect" or "mint". Apple part numbers can be found on the items themselves. Prices exclude shipping, shipping may add several dollars, shipping outside the USA even more. Bigger parts equal higher cost in most cases. Ask about specific parts. Also look among my G3 chassis parts for parts common to both G3 and G4 towers.
ZIP and CDROM/DVD front doors (600-7440-A) and frame or bezel (815-3289), $10
G4 Quicksilver chassis used parts
These are USED parts in good condition, some have scuffs.
Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available.
Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available.
I will try to keep these lists current.
G3 B&W power supply, AcBel API-8594 or Apple 614-0085, ask for price G3 Blue and White (B&W) chassis used parts
These are USED "G3 blue and white tower" parts in good condition, some many have scuffs. Some may fit G4 grey towerr cases. Please don't ask for "perfect" or "mint". Apple part numbers can be found on the items themselves. Prices exclude shipping, shipping will add several dollars. Larger parts may have higher shipping costs. Ask about specific parts.
Some new parts are available on a seperate page of unused service parts. They are listed by Apple part number and brief descriptions. Here a list of G3 and G4 systems I have available.
Here a list of G3 and G4 motherboards I have available.
I will try to keep these lists current.
Parts for grey/platinum G3 systemsCommon parts across several Mac models like power supplies, floppy drives are available on my Mac Parts page. We will list here motherboards, processors, and
typical cards for the grey-and-white G3's, such as USB, FireWire and video cards; other PCI bus cards are available on my Mac cards page's PCI section. Links to other parts are below.
Generally, if we have a system we can offer parts from that system. Whatever part you want, tell us what system
you have, describe the part, and also tell us any Apple or manufacture part numbers on the part if possible.
The revision history of these grey G3's is confusing. Check these two Web links for G3 and revision descriptions: grey G3 rev 2 motherboard and 300MHz or 266MHz processor, . grey G3 rev 1 motherboard and 233MHz or 266MHz processor, ROM code $77D,40F1. SGRAM, SO-DIMM, memory for G3 video. Lable KMM965G512BQN. $10 plus shipping.
Grey G3 audio and audio/video cards These cards plug into the G3 audio/video card slot. G3 grey tower case parts, also for 9600 and 8600 grey tower systems. Ask
if available and prices. G3 desktop case parts: Ask by part. above. Other G3 grey tower or desktop system items: Unused repair parts, with Apple part numbers. Ask for a price.
Apple SCSI-2 card: Some G3's and G4's were offered with Apple's SCSI-2 controller card and "wide" SCSI-2 (68 pin) drives.
See my SCSI PCI card pagefor details on that PCI SCSI card and prices.
See my SCSI drive page for SCSI-2 drivs for this card.
this Apple article talks about Apple SCSI cards for G3 and G4 systems.
Most of our Mac PCI bus cards for video, SCSI, USB, Firewire, etc., are on our Mac PCI card page.
Memory:Our G3's may be sold with modest amounts of RAM memory. You can buy
memory for these systems from us on our Mac memory page.
Drives: Hard drives, ZIP drives and CD-ROM drives
(SCSI or ATA/IDE) are available on my drives Web page.
Software: We have none. No OS software, no CD's. Any software on these systems is without warrenty
and is not part of the sale price. We just sell hardware.
Some new parts are available on a seperate page of unused service parts.
They are listed by Apple part number and brief descriptions. Used parts for many Mac models - power supplies,
floppy drives, cables, keyboards and mice, and so on - are listed on our parts page.
Non-G3 accelerators are listed in our Parts page section on accelerators and caches. Note: speeds and systems listed for accelerators below are for guidance only, not
guarantees. Check docs and information online for specifics. We have some disks for some of these cards, ask, but they are often available online as well.
>Sonnet Crescendo G3 250/512 for 6100 7100 8100, fits & extends video slot. No additional video adapter available. Sonnet extender installer on diskette included. Acquired and tested Nov 2024 in 7100/80, ran at 292MHz, OS 8. Contact me for availability and price.
NewerTech MaxPowr DT351C I220/110 G3 card for Apple 73/75/7600, 85/8600, 95/9600. up to
250MHz and 125MHz bus. Tested. $59 plus shipping.
NewerTech MaxPowr DT351C I250/125 G3 card for Apple 73/75/7600, 85/8600, 95/9600. up to
250MHz and 125MHz bus. Tested in 7600. $69 plus shipping.
NewerTech MaxPowr DT351C I466/233 G3 card for Apple 73/75/7600, 85/8600, 95/9600. up to
470MHz in 7300/180. $89 plus shipping.
Notes on accelerators: For software and system extensions, check the Web or our
list of Mac Web pointers for links to
sites with such software. One site with a lot of upgrade info is; I've linked to their NewerTech descriptions here. Also check Sonnet's Web site for their universal system extensions.
Copyright © 2025 Herb JohnsoniMac, eMac
G3, G4 laptops
G4 systems
Identify your G4 Mac for parts
These G4 descriptions are of typical systems. Use these descriptions to help you determine YOUR SYSTEM so you can order the correct parts.
AGP, ADC and 28 volt power supplies
G4 400MHz and above systems
"blue and white" G3's
We do not offer G3 B&W systems. We have few if any G3 B&W systems around, the systems below are listed as examples and references for parts like motherboards, power supplies, etc.
We may discontinue PARTS for these at any time. See the parts section for prices on specific parts, or ask for a quote.
Grey/platinum/beige G3's
Our grey/platinum G3's use the same cases as the older PowerMacs pictured here. The systems listed here run at 233MHz, 266MHz, 300MHz or 330MHz and support two or four IDE/ATA drives (depending on revision). Apple System Profiler will display your system's ROM revision. The G3 parts section has links to "revision" information.
iMac, eMac parts
iMac inner front bezel for CRT iMac G3
Other iMac and eMac parts
.... I have the frames or holders or "adapter cards", 820-1066-A 630-2938 $12 each plus shipping.
iMac slot loading internal metal chassis, carrier cage, holds hard drive and CD/DVD drive.
- 4950TKK162 922-4040 is cage, 4950TKK167A 922-4041 is carrier for CD/DVD. $5 each item
iMac cables, prices from $5 each, ask for specifics
13GB to 20GB ATA hard drive, $15
40GB Ultra ATA hard drive, $20
PC-100 memory - check our Mac memory page.
iMac DVD or DVDRW or CD or CDRW drives are not available from me, they are not reliable as used drives
iMac case parts: ask for prices on specific parts.
G4 G5 parts: memory, cards, drives, motherboards, software
G4 Gigabit motherboard, Apple P/N: 661-2331 Assembly/N: 820-1153-A . ask
G4 Digital Audio motherboard, Assembly/N: 820-1173-A . ask
G4 Sawtooth AGP motherboard Apple P/N: 820-1094A, uni-n=7 ask.
G4 Sawtooth AGP motherboard Apple P/M 820-1093A, uni-n=3: ask
...see these notes on Uni-N revision for more information
G4, G5 motherboards available - ask
G4, G5 processors may be available - ask for specific speeds
G4 DUAL 500MHz or 533MHZ processor - ask for availability
G4 processor heatsinks - ask but I'll need a photo or part number.
G4 (various models) front panel and start switch board 922-4234, 820-1178-A or 630-3297-A, with shield; $24
G4, G5 power supplies available - ask
G4 Gigabit, Digital Audio, 22 pin power supply with +28 volts
... some models have an additional A/C power jack on the back (the A/C PLUG is for the AC cord).
... the power supplies are otherwise identical and either can be used. PLEASE SPECIFY IF YOU NEED THIS A/C JACK.
... power supply 630-0112 API-9841-291 (no A/C jack) OR 614-0112 DPS-338BB A (A/C jack). $89 plus shipping, shipping weight 6 pounds.
"Quicksilver" power supply with 25 volts, 22 pin plus 4 pin cables to motherboard.
(614-0158 or 614-0157, DCP 340AB, API1PC12).$89 plus shipping, shipping weight 6 pounds.
A later model Quicksilver power supply, sold with 733MHz or faster Macs, is 661-2514 API0PC24.
It appears to have the same specifications as the 614-0157 supply above. It is
up to the customer
to confirm they can accept the older model 614-0157 power supply as an alternative.
G4 Sawtooth, 20-pin power supply (no +28 volts), (614-0108 DPS-200PB-110). $49 plus ship.
G4 Mirror Door Drive power supply, 400 watts, with 25 volts (API1PC36 614-0224).$89 plus shipping, shipping weight 6 pounds.
G5 power supply, 450 watts, API2-PC54. $79 plus shipping.
For G3 G4 G5 USB keyboards and mice, check my parts page
G4 startup panels - the PC board behind the front panel power button
922-4234 or 820-1178-A for Digital Audio, Gigabit - $10
922-4049 or 820-1067-A for G4 450 Mhz - $10
other G4 models, ask
G4, G5 video cards available, ask
NVIDIA GEFORCE 2MX 32MB 600-8624 Video Card (AGP) MAC G4
-- with VGA connector and ADC with DC power to Studio display, flat panel; $20 plus shipping.
ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP, 109-72700, 16MB Video Card VGA/DVI (AGP) MAC G4
-- models include 630-3500 or 630-3372 or 630-3479. *determine features before you buy*
-- with VGA connector and ADC with DC power to Studio display, flat panel; $15 plus shipping.
ATI Rage 128, 630-3102, AGP, with VGA and DVI connectors (no ADC connector, so no power to monitor). $15 plus ship.
ATI Rage 128 16MB card, 630-3075, PN 109-63000-00. AGP, with VGA and DVI connectors. fan. no ADC. $15 plus ship.
ATI card, 630-2906, AGP, with VGA and DVI connectors. no ADC. $15 plus ship.
ATI Radeon 7500 32MB, 630-3913, with ADC connector to power monitor or Apple LCD. $19 plus shipping
Apple version of Adaptec PCI SCSI card, AHA 2930CU; $15 plus shipping.
Apple PowerMac G4 Power Mac Tower/Case/Chassis (grey) and chassis parts; ask for price, BE SPECIFIC
---"parts" include doors for CD and ZIP, front panel power/start button assembly (for SPECIFIC model of G4)
---case only not available, too expensive to ship. Ask about specific case parts, panels.
---here are photos of a typical G4 side panel: full view and detail. Light scratches and scuffs, no gouges or breaks.
reset/programmer's button circuit board for - ask by model of motherboard for availability & price.
PCI SCSI-2 card follow this link.
DVD-ROM G4 Hitachi DVD-ROM Model GD-3000 - $10 plus ship
G4 DVD-ROM (Matshita 8583 - $10 plus ship
G3/G4 ZIP 100 drive - $12 plus ship. Ask for price for front bezel or cover for desired machine.
Hard drive, Apple branded - check our hard drives page.
Single height drive sled is number 805-2244-B. $6 each.
double height drive sled, 805-2322-A or 076-0778. $10 each.
Large assembly which holds drive sleds, 922-3711 or 805-2072-A. $12 each.
PC100 SDRAM DIMM memory - prices on our our Mac memory page.
Apple's ultrawide SCSI upgrade PCI card available via this link.
Apple system install CD's for OS 8.6, 9.0.4 available on the linked page.
922-3981 G4 graphite top front handle - $10
922-3981 G4 graphite top rear handle - $10
922-3970 G4 graphite bottom rear handle foot - $19 each with soft pad $15 without
922-3971 G4 graphite bottom front handle foot - $19 each with soft pad $15 without
G4 graphite handles are transparent, G3 are translucent - identical shape & fit
590-5042 G4 graphite, long flat cable to CD and ZIP drive - $7
922-4134 plastic latch panel 815-2911 grey or blue label, which locks case - $19
ASK about other G4 Graphite and other chassis parts
922-4573 G4 QC top front handle - $10 each
922-4573 G4 QC top rear handle - $10 each
922-4563 G4 QC bottom rear handle - $19 each with soft pad, $15 without
922-4564 G4 QC bottom front handle - $19 each with soft pad, $15 without
G4 Quicksilver handles are clear, G3 are translucent - same shape identical fit
ASK about other G4 QuickSilver and other chassis parts
blue & white G3 parts: memory, cards, drives, motherboards, software
G3 processor, 300, 350, 400MHz, from Yosemite rev1 or rev2 - not available, sorry.
G3 processor 266MHz, 300Mhz, - available but not often requested, ask for price
G3 processor heatsinks - not available
G3 startup panels - the PC board behind the front panel power button
922-3673 or 820-1031-B - $10
ATI video card, PCI, 630-2858 with DVD decoder Apple part # 661-2109/820-1012-A,
prices on my NuBus Web page
ATI video card, PCI, 630-2858, ask if available
ATI video card, PCI, heat sink, 630-2896, 1025740700 or 109-574-00.
prices on my NuBus Web page
Apple PowerMac G3 Blue and White Power Mac Tower/Case/Chassis and chassis parts; ask for price, BE SPECIFIC
---"parts" include doors for CD and ZIP, front panel power/start button assembly (for SPECIFIC model of G4)
---case only not available, too expensive to ship. Ask about specific case parts, panels.
---here are photos of a typical G4 side panel: full view and detail. Light scratches and scuffs, no gouges or breaks.
reset/programmer's button circuit board for - ask by model of motherboard for availability & price.
PCI SCSI-2 card follow this link.
CD-ROM for G3 towers above, $15 plus ship
ZIP drive for G3 towers above, $10 plus ship. Ask for price for front bezel or cover for desired machine.
Hard drive, Apple branded - check our hard drives page.
Single drive, drive sled is number 805-2244-B. $5 each.
double height, drive sled, 805-2322-A or 076-0778. $8 each.
Large assembly which holds drive sleds, 922-3711 or 805-2072-A. $12 each.
PC100 SDRAM DIMM memory - prices on our our Mac memory page.
2MB or 4M 3.3V 83 MHz 144-pin SO-DIMM or SDRAM or SGRAM, for G3 motherboards and some G3, G4 video cards. prices on our our Mac memory page.
Apple's ultrawide SCSI upgrade PCI card available via this link.
Apple system install CD's for OS 8.6, 9.0.4 available on the linked page.
805-2082-A CD ROM metal chassis - $10
805-2067-A ZIP drive metal chassis - $10
630-2836 start button circuit board - $10 with cover below
630-2878 start button circuit board - $10 with cover below
805-2097 metal cover for start button circuit board - sold with board above
WFC-1212B Sensflow brand DC fan - $10
815-2900 top rear blue plate - $10
815-2896 bottom front blue plate - no longer offered.
815-2917 top blue panel - no longer offered.
606-6939-B ZIP and CD bezel on front - ask if available
600-6941-A part of ZIP and CD Bezel above
922-3572 imac I/O door - OUT
922-3697 G3 top front handle - ask if available, scarce
922-3697 G3 top rear handle - ask if available, scarce
922-3696 G3 bottom rear handle (foot) - ask if available, scarce, if with pad
922-3695 G3 bottom front handle (foot) - ask if available, scarce, if with pad
G4 handles fit but are not translucent, see G4 parts
815-2902 side panel with latch, scuffs, - too expensive to ship.
815-2914 side panel without latch, scuffs, - too expensive to ship.
820-1283-C front panel with power button - - no longer offered.
815-2912 power button (see 1283 above)
815-2899 rear blue panel - covers fan - $10
815-2898 rear blue panel - for PCI boards -$10
?? rear panel, metal, nameplate, covers connectors - $10
815-2087-A power button - case -$10
815-2915 speaker in case -$10
815-2911 plastic latch panel grey or blue label, locks case, 922-4134 - $19
805-2247 metal plate, inside - $5
590-2234 long flat cable to CD and ZIP drive - $10
590-2253 short flat cable to hard drives - $10
grey/platinum G3 parts: motherboards, processors, case parts
G3 rev 1
G3 rev 2. Both are LowEndMac Web site descriptions.
motherboard model 820-0991 (A or B), Also called "Rev 2" motherboard with "Rev C" ROM code $77D,45F2 or "Rev B" $77D,45F1 ROM. has ATI "3D Rage Pro" or "Rage Pro Turbo" video chip.
processor, motherboard, ROM; ask for price.
Motherboard model 820-0864 (A or B?), Also called "Rev 1" motherboard with "Rev A" ROM$77D,40F1. has ATI video chip "3D Rage II".
processor, motherboard, ROM: ask for price.
They all have a Comm II slot typically used for a modem.
Apple G3 audio/video "A/V personality card", 820-0971-A, with SVideo and video in and out,
DAV, AIO connectors on top edge, and AIO video connector. *OUT*.
Apple G3 audio/video "A/V personality card", 820-0923-A, with SVideo and video in and out,
DAV connector on top edge, AIO and AIO video connector on back edge. $29 plus shipping. OUT as of July 2006
Apple G3 audio only "A/V personality card", 820-0972-A, AIO and AIO Video connectors. $15 plus ship.
Apple G3 audio only "A/V personality card", 820-0922-A, 26-pin connector. $15 plus ship.
big fan under power supply, 600-5914, 12V.
grey G3 tower power supply: 614-0062, Delta model DPS-350FB A,ship wt 10 lbs.
green paddles or handles which lock tower case internally
light/power actuator (power button), 922-2588, transparent plastic
front plate, blank 815-2355
front plate, floppy 815-2359
front plate, CD or DVD . note different location of eject hole:
- 815-2356: hole 1/4 inch left of left edge of manual button
- 815-2759: hole 1/2 inch left
- 815-2738: hole 7/8 inch left
-- 2759 and 2738 are same part but different holes, drill a 2nd hole to modify.
front plate, ZIP 815-2500
Here's photos of G3 tower bezels or plates in very good condition
CDROM audio cable, 590-1032
floppy flatcable 500-4602
hard drive cable to 1 drive: 590-5024,
hard drive cable to 2 drives:
Grey desktop G3 (233, 266, 300 MHz) power supply 614-0077, DPS-150GB H, 20-pin connector: $45 plus shipping, shipping weight 5 pounds
ATA/IDE CD-ROM drive, Apple branded as supplied, $29 plus ship
ZIP 100 drive, $29 plus ship
1.4M floppy drive, see our floppy drive parts
Hard drive, Apple branded - check our hard drives page.
PC100 SDRAM DIMM memory - prices on our our Mac memory page.
Apple's ultrawide SCSI upgrade PCI card available via this link.
Apple system install CD's for OS 8.6, 9.0.4 available on the linked page.
Unused G3, G4, iMac parts
076-0762 bezel or frame for G3 blue and white, two bezels, four blank panels
922-4582 ZIP bezel
076-0754 sealed bag of screwcovers, left and right, kit of 20 pieces
076-0743 iMac blue flip foot and clips. four, in boxes, unused.
general upgrade parts: like memory, PCI cards, drives, software
G3, G4 accelerators
Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
here's how to email and order @ me