This page Last updated Feb 24 2025. To email me or to order, see see my ordering Web page for my email addresses.
I've sold SGI parts and systems for several years, but since about 2015 I"m left with limited SGI inventory. Also these
SGI systems' cases have become physically fragile with age, and internal batteries are failing. So I'm selling my remaining stock of SGI items. Please note: I don't offer SGI IRIX operating systems. YOu can't get a complete ready-to-use SGI system from me. Please consider any "system" you'd request as parts.
Follow the pointers below to
specific SGI models; also some Sun and DEC stuff and related items. If you are interested in these systems, you might be interested in other older computers.
Check my my S-100 Web page to see all my S-100 (Altair, IMSAI, etc.) docs.
Also check my Intel Multibus, STDbus and VME docs and hardware pages.
Meanwhile, I have other activities on this Web site: Check my
Home page
Here's the SGI large processors I have currently:
two 030-0966-004 rev C - Indigo 2 R10000 R10K 195MHz these weigh a few pounds with heatsinks. Let me know your offers, and I will check current prices.
for smaller processors like below, also look at the by-system listings. I may have loose processors or I might pull one from a board.
030-1102-001, O2 CPU, R5000/180MHz, some L2 Indy processors I have, previously tested and working, include the following: I have the following O2 processors on likely-damaged CPU modules as shown below. They are untested.
Ask me about buying the processor only, the PCI card cagea assembly, or the whole set.
Click the link to see a photo. The processors won't be cheap.
mouse-droppings damaged CPU module with RM5200 processor: mouse-droppings damaged CPU module with R12K processor: Here is a typical view of an EXAMPLE Indy interior - not for sale. This
processor appears to be an R4000 (MIPS 3); the video card appears to be the NG1 XL-8.
There are a number of Web sites that can provide more info on these systems,
a Web search will find them. Shipping weight for one unit is about 20 lbs.
So ask what Indy parts are available, price depends on current conditions, I price a few items on this Web page. These will be tested but NOT WARRANTED. But my business is to sell parts, not systems.
To email me or to order, see see my ordering Web page for my email addresses.
motherboards or "logic" board:. With age, the battery-backed RAM and time of day modules are running out of current. Not only does the time of day "stop", there's information like the Ethernet address which is "lost". See this Web page of notes about SGI Indy clock/battery modules. I may offer these boards with or without working modules.
power supply: The Indy power supply may be either from NIDEC or Sony. Both models
have fans but the Sony fan only runs when above a certain system air temperature. The NIDEC
brand supply has two power cables, the smaller connector of the two
is about one inch? wide. The Sony supply also has two cables, the smaller connector
is 1-3/16 inches wide. Either will fit the Indy motherboard at
the corresponding 1-3/16 inch power connector. If your Indy motherboard
has a one-inch power connector you will need the NIDEC supply. There are other
operational differences between the two brands. SGI parts for Indy:
I have many, many IndyCam digital video cameras, model CMNB006E,
part number 024-0825-001. These attach
to the Digital Video Port of SGI Indy systems. They use an I2C bus for
camera control, check the Web for more info. If you know more, contact me please, I'd like to rebuild some of these.I will look them over and not sell any unit that has obvious physical damage.
Here's some interior photos of the camera: The 1/4" by 3/16" CCD, possibly Sony brand, has a 16 pin ceramic case, pins soldered in. There's a 49.0908 MHz crystal oscillator chip. The camera ends in a 2 X 12 cable connector , 1/16" centers. The camera is run by a DSP, Teleview Research DSP-270D8, from mid 1995. Analog chips include LT1054CS (switching regulator), IR3P66, 3112SA, Phillips TDA8709AT (CCD 8 bit A/D device), 78L15 voltage regulator, LM358D, MP7524JR.
No more Indigo systems; just some remaining Indigo parts. Thanks to my Indigo customers for their purchases.
Two PS/2 male-male cables for keyboards, 10 foot, new. $15 each. Here is a description of Indigo "drive sleds" and their use.
Hard drives have mounting holes on the bottom and and on the sides. The drives mount
to the sled via the bottom holes. Put the clips on the drives' SIDES, at the holes on the
frontmost two holes. The clips will flex a bit in doing so, and help hold the
drive in place in the Indigo drive bay. If I have clips, I'll provide them. Also, some of these sleds don't have the SCSI cabling to connect the drive's SCSI address jumpers to the Indigo backplane. To use those, you'll have to jumper the drive address directly, and avoid conflicts with other SCSI device addresses.
To email me or to order, see see my ordering Web page for my email addresses.
SGI A/V cable or "dongle" or breakout box, 018-8204-004 rev A, sometimes called "junior", for ev1. These have the three-row 26 pin "analog breakout connector" at one end, and the other has a triangular plastic piece with SVideo and RCA jacks for video and audio. A link that tries to explain some of this">ev1 stuff Other Indigo 2 graphics: As of 2020 we have no SGI O2 systems, but we have some parts remaining.
To email me or to order, see see my ordering Web page for my email addresses.
O2 hard drive sled: OUT. Octane 32MB memory modules, eight, not recently tested. $10 each Silicon Graphics 320 systems - OUT These are single or dual Pentium III based systems with
specialized (non standard) RAM and onboard "Cobalt" graphics; a PCI bus; Ethernet and USB;
audio, S-video. Some questions about SGI support for on-board FireWire and USB, but use
USB keyboard and mouse. Here's a view inside.
We have a few SGI 320 parts only. No systems, no chassis. SGI 320 3.5" or 5.25" drive "rails", 52080121-f, $5 one pair SGI PS/2 type keyboards SGI mouse, granite grey, block-like, 063-0001-001, 6 - foot cord Mouse Systems (SGI, Sun) optical mouse at this link.
SGI USB keyboards, mice - see the SGI 320 above.
SGI Sirius video editing I have a SGI Sirius breakout box unit, CMN AS03, as photographed here. All I have is the box as displayed: no cables or software or interface cards. The back of the unit shows all the video and digital connections. Internally, there are no cards in the left-hand side of the case: apparently this is where the "serial option" board would be, it is not there. Look on the Web for more info: sources there say Sirius was supported on Onyx and Challenge machines. Again, this is ONLY the breakout box as described here. Price: $29 plus shipping, Shipping weight is 16 lbs packed.
I have other keyboards described or linked-to on this keyboards Web page.
Sun DC300, DC600 tapes
I have seven Sun-4 SPARC DC-300 DC-600 cartridge tapes as follows below. I believe I got them as a lot. They seem to date from 1990-92 and relate to Sun-4 class systems. Tapes of this type and age include tension bands which are rubber bands and they may brake. So these are sold AS IS. Make me a reasonable offer. Weight of several pounds in a small box.
1994 Sun-4 SPARC, DEMO, Object-oriented graphical modeling system I have a few external CD-ROM drives. I cannot test these for use on SGI's under IRIX, I don't have a running
IRIX system. I have powered these up, I can at least test them for accepting and spinning up a CD. I use a vintage Macintosh computer to operate them as SCSI devices. Mac software says "yep, there's a Toshiba CD-XXXX drive as SCSI device 4" but Mac's need software drivers specific to brand and models of CD-ROM drives to "mount" or read a CD on that drive. They are sold as-described, as-is, no returns.
APS brand external CD-ROM drive 100384 contains a rewritable CD-ROM. Grey case faded in parts.
An external power supply is included. There's two SCSI-1 connectors
and an "active termination" switch, SCSI address selector, and two audio RCA connectors. Of course a power switch. Sold AS IS. Price as described, $45 plus shipping. Two external drives available, ask for details.
I also have external CD-ROM drives from Apple, which I can test as read-only drives on vintage Macintosh systems. Check my Mac external CD-ROM drive selections. There's also a selection of internal
CD-ROM drives from Apple on that Web page; those include the drive inside the Apple (or non-Apple) branded cases. Remember: the case
is just a shell, the functions and features of the "drive" are in the internal CD-ROM drive in the case. OK?
We have a few Insite floppy drives, I325VM, from SGI Indy systems. These
accept 1.4M 3.5-inch floppy diskettes, or 20MB "floptical" MO media diskettes. I'm not going to sell these at this time, when time permits I will evaluate them, they are scarce but not particularly useful, and difficult to maintain. In 2023 I found an informative Web/email discussion group thread about 20MB floptical drives.
We have a few small cartridge tape drives that are about the size of 3.5-inch hard or floppy drives. One model may be a DAT tape drive, Python 25601. We may have other models. These are sold AS IS, NO TESTING, NO RETURN, probably for a few tens of dollars depending.
Note: we do not warrent the information below to be complete or accurate. It
is up to the buyer to determine fitness for THEIR use for any memory bought.
There are other Web sites available with more and specific information; a
Web search will find them. I'd appreciate any corrections.
for Indy, Indigo, and Indigo 2, memory MUST be added in groups of 4 SIMMs.
R4000 Indigo, Indy, Indigo 2: Industry Standard 72 pin pop-up, fast page-mode
(FPM, a common variety; NOT EDO memory); "true parity"; 60-70ns. Also arranged by
36 bits (ex 4MB = 1Mb X 36). For Indigo 2 R10000: may require higher-speed memory
to get full performance.
Octane 32MB memory modules, eight, not recently tested. $10 each. Many people specify "gold leads" or gold pins. This is apparently due to
concerns about corrosion and good contact between the SIMM and its socket
pins. Some say that clean contacts and occasional maintenance of tin-lead
SIMMS will provide satisfactory service.
To see my prices for 72-pin SIMMs check my
Macintosh memory prices at
this Web link. Of coruse the SGI's need parity RAM, and typically are 60ns or 70ns speed. and FPM
memory (not EDO).
O2 memory, Octane memory, SGI 320 memory are unique devices, so check
my systems listings for memory types and prices.
Sun / Mouse Systems reflective mice. Sun 370-1170-01, Mouse Systems 401162-035. Three button which uses LED reflection from a mousepad grid. 8-pin miniDIN connector, for serial 5-volt interface. Cosmetics vary, most marked "Sun".
These mice are likely supported by a serial input interface. I'm looking for details on the Web, but here's some initial findings. Baud rate may be 1200 baud 8 bit no parity, and a 5-byte sequence. Five volts is needed and the output line may need a 1kohm? pullup resistor. We cannot guarantee this info, look on the Web for more info.
Pin 1,2 GND X and Y values are two's compliment 8 bits (-127 to +127) Sun or SGI or Mouse Systems optical mousepad These are optical "grid" patterns on aluminum plates, covered with easily-damaged plastic. The patterns are read by the optical mice like the above. The photo of stacked pads, are fine and medium and coarse pitch; the photo of one pad is a coarse pitch - I define these terms below. These are hard to photograph, look at this photo, it's like photographing a mirror.
A few are marked "Mouse Systems", or other brands, many are not branded. Numbers on lables on the back vary, but there's a consistency among them. These pads are used and scuffed, some are scratched, some look better, condition varies. Size from 7-7/8 X 9 inches, 7-7/8 X 7 inches, a few larger. Price depends on size and condition: they will be priced at various tens of dollars, it costs $10-$11 to mail them in the USA.
All this was common knowledge at one point; now it's forgotten knowledge.
What's the pitch of the grid? That means the density of the squares and lines. The manufacturers describe this as "CPI" (counts per inch? see update below). Here's empirical measurements
you and I can make. The grid pattern density on them by my count, is either 85 squares per inch, or 60 squares, or 25 - the three in the photo, shown with a 1-inch ruler. I call these, "fine", "medium", "coarse", entirely my nomeclature, not a standard. If you see some
other pitch, send me details. Aug 24 2024, pitch vs CPI code cracked An eBay seller of optical pads suggests that the M4 mouse compatible pad is "200 CPI", while the M5 mosuse-compatible pad is "requires 300 CPI". they identify pad 402105-003A as 200 CPI. I call that "medium pitch" at 60 squares per inch, identified as 200 CPI. I call "fine pitch" at 85 squares per inch. The ratio of squares is about 2:3 - that suggests "fine pitch" corresponds to "300 CPI". Likewise a 60:25 ratio suggests about 80 CPI for the "coarse pitch" pads.
The above goes to what optical mouse is compatible?. SGI and Mouse System mice seem to
have nomeclature "M5" or "type 5" mice for 300 CPI fine-pitch pads; "M4, type 4" for 200 CPI medium-pitch pads. Color of pad (stripes) and orientation of pad matter - these are described below.
what's the orientation?. The following is my nomeclature, not standard descriptions.
Some pads have different lines of different colors in different directions. The optical mouse may operate
differently depending on the "orientation of the pad" on your desk. Let's call "horizontal" the longest dimension of the pad. In this close photo of a 400207-003 coarse pad with
"steel blue" lines, the horizontal lines are from left to right - they are black. The vertical lines from top to bottom, they are blue. The visual appearance of the pad I call "steel blue
My close-up photo of grid pitch also shows color variation.". There's other colors on other pads. Various optical mice appear to be designed to detect specific color-lines and orientation to operate correctly.
Another question, what's the color? The above paragraph, describes orientation based on different colors of stripes - blue and black for instance. A black-on-black grid is monocolored of course. Other colors are For an unusual color, here's a blue plus yellow grid from a green-appearing VisiOn-branded optical mouse pad.
What's the cosmetic / physical condition? These pads are very hard to photograph to show damage. They have mirror-like surfaces and so cameras focus on the reflected image. I describe number and kind of damage areas and I grade damage visually. Severe damage makes it harder to move the optical mouse. Some people may be uncomfortable with visual damage, or interruption to the feel
of the mouse moving across the pad. I don't have information on how damage affects the actual operation of the cursor on the screen when the mouse moves over a damaged spot. The optical
sensing by the mouse is surprisingly subtle.
Example pad: Mouse Systems apparent producer, with part number "XXX-402631-001", XXX being arbitrary. Dimensions 7-7/8 X 7 inches. Information suggests this may work with some Mouse Systems A/3 mouse. I'm calling this a "fine grid". One of the better condition of these looks as follows. top view and back view and
a scanner view highlighting surface scratches..
More pads I had/have: Here's a 9-inch pad for instance. and a blue 7-inch pad but not a Mouse Systems pad. If you can inform me about brand/model use of these I would appreciate it. These part numbers suggest various use with various Sun and Mouse Systems optical mice and pads. However available technical information is limited and non-manufacturer information available is, so far, frankly confusing to me.
I have a few pads of the following types, some many be Mouse Systems produced, with part number "XXX-40XXXX-XXX*", XXX being arbitrary and * being a letter or blank. Dimensions are in inches and approximate. Descriptions are of more noticable defects, there may be more, these are used items and easily surface-damaged. I retain
sold descriptions as "OUT", for information.
Prices do not include shipping and packing and handling. Ask for quote.
SGI CD, Irix 6.1 I have original CD's from Silicon Graphics. All I know is
what is printed on the CD, they are identical. The CD is printed "Irix 6.1, 812-0382-001, 7/95, Notes: Contains installation tools. Contains user-mountable filesystem". The CD sleeve has a lable "814-0382-001". The Web site linked below, says it is for
Power Indigo (R8000) systems. $10 each plus shipping, four available. Here's some comments from a buyer:
Got it today and got it installed on my Power Indigo2. Thanks!
To the best of my knowledge, that's all correct. The Power badge is kind of crescent shaped, and I think only appeared on R8000 based machines. At some point I'll get a picture taken. I don't actually have another working machine at the moment to try 6.1 on, but I believe that 6.1 is R8000 only. R8000 was the first MIPS IV instruction set chip, and I understand that it had a strange MMU and cache controller. I've seen SGI people say IRIX was "ported" to it, and I think they had a different compiler vendor for it too. I don't think any free OSs can run on it.
I'm pretty sure 6.1 was based on 5.3. The CD has XFS installs enabled. I'm also pretty sure that 6.2 merged R8000 and mainstream machine support. This [Web site] is a great resource. Thanks, John Finigan
Sun Desktop Sparc manuals. Set of Desktop Sparc manuals in box as follows below. $15 plus shipping Sun Desktop Sparc manuals, sealed. Looks like same set as above, but it's sealed
so I can't verify. Sealed bag has lable, 825-1321-02 revision A. $25 plus shipping.
Sun "Doing more with SunOS: Beginner's Guide". 800-1710-10 rev a 9 may 1988. $10 I get asked this a lot: "where do I get SGI Indigo 2 IRIX OS or the install CD's?". The
following links and information are quoted from the Web sites given.
Look there for details. You may want to read the forums and see answers
to how people have downloaded CD's or used CD's of IRIX. Some people offer hard drives
with fresh IRIX installs. I have not done any of those things, or confirmed the information
below. I just sell hardware. - Herb, late March 2019.
Wikipedia for IRIX says: The last major version of IRIX is IRIX 6.5, which was released in May 1998. New minor versions of IRIX 6.5 were released every quarter until 2005."
an Web site claims: quote "The IRIX Network is the world's premiere Silicon Graphics hobbyist community. Our site includes archives of other SGI sites, a wiki with
SGI-related information, a forum for community discussion, two chat
services (Discord and Internet Relay Chat), a marketplace, and a
collection of FTP, rsync and HTTP downloads.". Some of the links are dead, however.
They have a forum/posting section and among
the "sticky" posts is the following FAQ item:
quote - "Where can I get IRIX? - IRIX has not been sold by SGI (Now owned by HP Enterprise) in over a
decade. We offer IRIX versions on the FTP servers and mirrors, and also you may buy CDs of it on eBay."
Further links from that site, seem to lead to and
has CD images I think.
13W3 video cables: starting at $25 and up, ask for details. We aren't selling SGI or Sun monitors. They are just too big and old, and VGA and LCD monitors are plentiful. To use modern monitors, you'll need something called "a SGI 13W3 to VGA adapter". "13W3" means there are 3 circular pins and 13 small pins in the connector. There's also a "VGA connector" otherwise called an HD15,
with three rows of five pins. The 13W3 VGA adapters are typically short cables or small
adapter devices. Sometimes they have little DIP switches on them, more about that later. PLease note: these Adapters have no electronics in them, they just reroute video lines, so it is UP TO YOUR MONITOR
to be able to run correctly with the signals supplied - not the adapter. Here's some notes to inform you
about SGI and Sun video signals and adapters and IF modern monitors can work with such video.
"I don't know if my SGI is producing video, or if my monitor has failed." If you want to know if your SGI Octane is producing video, you can literally see the signals by use of an oscilloscope. Either you have one and know how to use it; or you don't and you also don't know how to use it. So I will not describe this further.
I'll provide SGI VGA/13W3 information which has been discussed many times on the WEb; and lost and found a few times. You may have to find more of this information to proceed with either building or obtaining a "SGI to VGA adapter". This is not a magic device. I believe one must must MUST be familiar with what I'm about to describe
in order to obtain one and find it useful.
I discuss "monitor video" in regards to Apple Macintosh computers and monitors, it's a similar situation.
as part of my Mac monitors Web page; and as
part of my Mac-to-VGA adapters Web page. That description does not include discussion of sync-on-green RGB monitors with 13W3 connectors - as used by SGI systems and monitors. The "W3" refers to the three circular connector pins, which carry red, green, blue signals - hence "RGB". And, the 13 pins which carry sync and other signals. Also, both on the Mac's DB15 and on the SGI 13W3, a selected few pins are GROUNDED to tell the SGI (or Sun) computer "use these particular frequencies or resolutions for video". That's how various SGI monitors "tell" the SGI computer what resolution (frequency) to use. Monitor adapters often have little switches, which ground
certain pins. That pattern "asks" the computer (video card) for the correct frequencies; the switches can be changed by the owner. Other adapters simply wire some pins to ground, and "ask for" one set of frequencies.
Thus the SGI video signal may become "visible" on the VGA LCD display IF: if the 13W3 adapter is wired correctly for SGI and the VGA monitor; If the VGA or LCD monitor will "accept" those signals at an acceptable frequency; and if the signal-pins which "tell" the SGI computer (video card) the correct frequency-set to use.
Again: Such adapters do not convert signals in any way; they merely route signals to the LCD monitor AND return a few grounded pins back to "tell" the SGI Octane to provide video signals of frequencies compatible to the LCD display.
One other consideration: not all 13W3 to VGA adapters are alike. Tthere are a number of ways such 13W3/VGA adapters can be wired. Apparently one buys an adapter "made for SGI computers" and say not one "made for Sun computers". It is likely, there's wiring information on the Web which one can find, for adapters intended for SGI use. Here's one such reference for SGI and SUN to VGA. A person can do what I did: cut up a 13W3 cable and wire up their own VGA HD15 to make an adapter.
If you the reader, don't wish to go thorugh all this, that's fine. You will have to find someone who can assure you of what 13W3 adapter you want to buy. If you need help on your SGI video, find someone who has SGI systems and monitors to diagnose your video issues. If you wish to discuss this further, there's probably still online discussion groups who have discussed this problem and may be able to discuss it again. But you may find those prior discussions may be of help. That is all I've got. Good luck. - Herb Johnson, Oct 2020
Some time in 2004 I picked up a Sun Multibus-based 150U system but I did not have
time to look at it until Oct 2004. This is a 15 slot chassis in a black, rack-mount
box. The front is only labled "Sun workstation" but the back is labled Sun model 150U.
Subsequently, in Jan 2006 I've sold the system. The new owner said he'll set up a Web site
for it soon. You can look at what I sold on this Web page.
I picked up some Sun Multibus cards. Condition
unknown but physically OK, dates 1982-1984. Check this page for a description of those cards.
I picked up a Sun 3/E VME based sets of cards.. Here is a photo of the chassis and the card sets.Sun sold a VME card set for a 68020 based Unix/Sun system. I sold it in 2010.
To email me or to order, see see my ordering Web page for my email addresses.
HP Apollo 9000/720 CPU/memory board with 12 32MB memory modules.
Board etch is HP A2095-66510 rev B, Weight about 4 pounds.
Identified in HP workstation parts list as "new part number CPU" 720
PA-7000 (PCX-S) processor 50?MHz with 384?KB off-chip L1 cache (if 720).
W.G. from WA said: "I've received the [front] panel from you and it looks
great on my Indigo2, thanks so much again for helping source this hard
to find part!"
W.M. of TX said: "Herb, I cannot thank you enough for the prompt service and execution of my order. Happy to report I am up and running [my SGI O2] again!" An overnight order of a power supply.
J.W. of NM said: "Just wanted to follow up that [the SGI power supply] was received in good condition & works great. Thank you!"
L.R. of PA. said: "I received the SGI Indy yesterday. Everything was very well packed and arrived intact, and the condition
"was as you described it. I was able to swap over my hard drive and RAM, and everything works great. Thanks a lot!"
M.A. from CO said: "I received the SGI Indigo case today. It looks great! Thanks so much for your courteous and professional service."
G.F. of VA said "Just wanted you to know that I got the SGI mouse today and it is working great. Thanks very much!"
A. Z. from Switzerland said: "...Nearly unbelievable: your oversea parcel has arrived today after only 5
days. Excellent wrapping (mechanical & electrostatic protection). The [SGI O2 R10000 CPU] board
& CPU both work well - except the old CPU-fan that we can easily order from
a local company. So our system is running again - during 1-2 days a little
bit on the hot side . . .. Thanks again for all your efforts !"
G. N. from CHILE says: "The SGI [Indigo 2] High Impact gfx plus the MGV1 [graphics boards] arrived today, works great! , now i have something to do with the indycam that I had stored since the old indy passed away, besides the High Impact exectuted flawlessly the IDE 6.2 tests, thanks You dear Sir for the great service You give these days."
D. B. from MA wrote: "Finally got a test bed set up and successfully tested the [Data General] EC-10 board we
purchased. Thanks for all your efforts.".
S.C. from the UK wrote: "Hi Herb. Just letting you know that the [SGI] O2 [audio/video] module arrived safely and is working fine. Thanks.."
M.Y. from OR ordered an SGI Indigo 2 R4400/250 processor. He says: "... got the stuff yesterday, Installed the cpu module and
writing this from the Indigo2- really screams!!! Very happy with the order.
Mozilla actually launches within seconds after clicking on the icon. Gimp is livable.
Blender is really great at the rendering. Going from 150MHz to 250
with 2mb L2 cache - I can start some apps with what seems like skipping
main memory. Thanks again!"
J. H. of MA said: "Herb, the [mother]board arrived yesterday - fast shipping!
I installed it today and my [SGI] 320 is now back up and running, thanks so much
for the part and I will certainly keep you in mind for any future purchases.
Thanks again for saving my sanity !"
S. M. of Australia said: "Great news Herb - my [SGI] O2 arrived today!
I've no way of ever knowing where the holdup was, but I guess it's all academic now anyway.
I'd given up on ever actually seeing it, but it's here happily accepting an installation of IRIX at the moment.
You were right of course - it was superbly packed and arrived in perfect condition, I can't help but be impressed.
Thanks very much again for the sale and thanks also for being so willing to help with advice and
assistance when it looked like [its delivery was] going to go "pear shaped" (as the British say).
Very best wishes to you and I'll be in touch again one day I'm sure."
A. J. G. from NC ordered an O2 Processor/PCI module. He says: "Hi Herb,
I got my order today, and it works perfectly in the
O2. Thanks for your great service."
S. H. of BELGIUM said: "the [Indigo GE7 graphics] chips have arrived safe and sound. Thanks a lot.
It was a pleasure doing business with you. Should I require
any further parts, I will make sure to stop by your site again."
Zs Zs of Hungary said:
"I have picked up R5000 proc and PROM yesterday in very good condition
and put it into my Indy. ...I tested the new processor with prom
diagnostic and it completed successfully. THank you."
S.M. of AUSTRALIA ordered a 24-bit graphics card for Indy. He said:
"I've carefully plugged it in and since it requires a re-installation of
IRIX for all of the 64-bit libraries (which I've not got time for
today), I've run the PROM-based diagnostics and they all completed
perfectly. That to me, seems to be about as much as one can ask for. I
did boot the current installation and it's fully functional. Thanks very
much indeed Herb, I'm very happy with everything....I was particularly
impressed with the detail and precision of your payment and
shipping procedures - just the sort of thing that inspires confidence,
T.C. of SINGAPORE said: "The parcel [with the Indy graphics and processor]
arrived safely today. And I have installed the boards as well just now. All
is well. Thank you very much! great service! Cheers.."
R.v.d.K of HOLLAND said:" My order (Indigo XS-24Z graphics board) arrived
yesterday, and in great condition! Inserted the card, tested it, and it worked
like a charm. Still some software to reinstall, but i'll save that
for the rainy days. Thanks again..."
Copyright © 2025 Herb JohnsonSGI models and parts
Sun and other Web pages:
SGI systems, parts
SGI processors
030-0808-001 Rev J - Indigo 2 250MHz CPU 2MB Cache
two 030-1039-002, O2 CPU, R5000/180MHz no L2
R4600 100MHz no SC
R4600 133MHz no SC
R4600 133Mhz 512K SC
R4400 150MHz 1MB SC
- 030-1493-002 rev G - 300MHz RM5200 processor module w/1MB Secondary Cache, (HINV reports as an R5000SC)
- 030-1227-001 rev J - IP32 Motherboard Assembly for O2 1997 date
- 013-2172-001- rev B - PCI chassis with 030-1099-002 PCI slot board "long"
- 030-0993-??? rev ? - R12000 300MHz (1MB L2) CPU:
- 030-1227-??? rev P - Motherboard Assembly for O2:. 1997 date
- 013-2196-001 rev C - PCI chassis with 030-0279-002 PCI slot board "short"
SGI Indy systems
Over the years, I've worked through my Indy systems and accessories. As of 2022 I'm out of working Indy systems for sale - period. But I have Indy parts and I keep testing systems to test them. See the top of this page for issues about age and condition of systems and parts like these. See this Web page of notes about SGI Indy clock/battery modules.
SGI Indy parts
IndyCam digital video cameras
the IndyCam inner metal shield
the IndyCam electronics and CCD the black CCD bezel is removable
back of the IndyCam electronics board
SGI Indigo systems
Indigo systems, CPU, graphics
Indigo parts, as available.
Indigo drive sleds
SGI Indigo 2 systems
No systems available as of 2019.
Indigo 2 graphic & video related items
a few single-board graphics cards, will list later.
Indigo 2 parts
SGI O2 systems
O2 parts and upgrades
2GB or 4GB IBM hard drive, as pulled, software on them w/o warranty, no passwords - $10 each.
O2 PCI riser card holder, R5000 only, $15 each.
O2 processors, see SGI processors above
O2 RAM modules, 32Mb, like 030-0876 KSG-O2/64, limited supply, $15.
O2 RAM modules, 64Mb, like 030-1492, KSG-O2/128 limited supply, ask.
O2 RAM modules, 128Mb, like 030-1473 KSG-O2/256, limited supply, ask.
O2Cam: video camera for O2 Model number 013-1577-001, 861021-0000, ZEYE 1.3. *OUT*
O2 CD-ROM, XM-5401b, - OUT.
O2 audio/video card no SVideo, pulled good: ONE for $25.
O2 audio/svideo/O2Cam card, pulled good: *OUT*
O2 R5000 power supply 060-0022-001, Sony APS-90, pulled good tested 12/21: OUT, wt. 3 lbs
O2 R10000, R12000 power supply 060-0032-001, pulled good tested 12/21: wt. 3 lbsOUT
O2 (blue) case parts, CD-ROM cover, fan cover: NOT AVAILABLE.
Adaptec UltraWide "SGI" SCSI PCI card, w/external 68 pin SCSI socket: AHA2940W AHA2940UW: $29 plus shipping.
Presenter flat panel interface 030-1202-001-003 rev A. OUT
1600SW O2/LVD FP adapter 030-1170 one untested, good physical condition. SOLD 2022.
PCI card found in SGI O2. Solectron Texas brand, 1394 OHC1403 firewire card, three ports. SOLD .
SGI Octane
SGI 320 systems
SGI 320 part prices
Set of six RAM modules for 256MB total, all pulled from tested SGI 320's:
--- SGI 9210134B or NEC MC-385 or SMART SM540803574SGBA. Six for $59 plus ship
IBM DTTA-371440 14.4GB hard drive: Ultra DMA 33 IDE, 7200 RPM, 512K buffer. $29 plus ship.
terminator for 2nd processor slot: $5 plus shipping
Other SGI, mouse and keyboard, tapes,
I have these on occasion.
Partially cleaned, tested before sale, both pads intact. various yellowing on top.
Very yellow, $25 plus shipping. Less yellowed some grey, $35 plus shipping. "Best", $45 plus shipping as available.
SGI mouse, white, block-like, 9150809, 6 foot cord. ask for price.
SGI mouse, white, block-like 041-0144-001, similar to 0144 but different construction. Cosmetics vary. Ask for price
Non-SGI or Sun keyboards
release V 5.1 (C) SL Corp (60MB DC600A)
[cart as above but V 4.0]
12/20/91 CenterLine ObjectCenter SUN4 V1.1.0
3/24/92 DAT apunix Computer Services HP-DAT
Sun Microsystems 7.0 SunNet MHS Sun-3 SUN-4 TAR format
ArborText Sun 3,4, 386i Object Install tape 1)TEX 2) Preview
3) DVILASER/PS 4) High Res Fonts 5) CM Outline PS Fonts
(case is sealed)
SunOS 4.0.4 Export SPARC, boot format, QIC24/9trk 2 of 2
part no 700-2154-10 rev A
external CD-ROM drives
SCSI floptical drives, tape drives
SGI memory features and prices
Sun workstations, systems and accessories
Sun and Mouse Systems mice and optical pads
pin 3 +5 volt
pin 4 mouse out, may need pullup resistor to +5
pin 5, 6 - reserved for serial keyboard?
pin 7 +5 power return?
pin 8 +5 volt
Byte 1 - 10000LMR (bits, three buttons L, M, R)
byte 2 - change in X, 1
byte 3 - change in Y, 1
byte 4 - change in X, 2 (add to X,1)
byte 5 - change in Y, 2 (add to Y,1)
common questions -> features
Optical pads available (or sold)
Part numbers on pads I have or had as of July 2022:
400007-176 coarse grid (VisiOn pad), 11 X 9, green, OUT image
400207-001K coarse grid (Sun M4 mouse?) 11 X 9, blue , OUT
401381-003, coarse grid 9 X 8, blue, OUT
400207-003J, coarse grid, 9 X 7.5, steel blue, 1" scratch, many tiny dings
400207-003K, coarse grid, 9 X 7.5, steel blue, one 1.5" scuff, some dings
400207-001K, coarse grid, 11 X 9, steel blue, 1" gouge, 2-3 1"+ scratches
400207-002revF, coarse grid, 9 X 7.5, steel blue, one (many pockmarks)
402105-003A (Sun M4 mouse?) medium grid 9 X 8, steel blue, OUT
403104-001A, medium grid, 7 X 8, light scratches and one 1" scratch
403104-001, medium grid 7 X 8, steel blue, many pockmarks
403104-001, medium grid 7 X 8, steel blue, one 2" deep scratch
403104-001, medium grid, 7 X 8, steel blue, large area of damage and very scratched
400306-003D medium grid 7-3/4 X 9, steel blue, 4 or 5 scratches 1"+, some deeper
403368-001 Sun logo fine grid 7 X 8, black, OUT [possibly Sun M5 mouse?]
402631-001 "Mouse Systems" fine grid 7 X 8, black, two 1" scuff, two 1" scratches
402631-001 "Mouse Systems" fine grid 7 X 8, black, small scuffs, light surface haze
403368-002, fine grid, 7 X 8, black, center 1/3 very abraided
403368-002, fine grid, 7 X 8, black, one 1/4-inch scratch OUT
Sun and SGI manuals, software
> I'm familiar with the Indigo2, and I think the
> "power" version is a badge (plastic label added to
> the case) for the, um 8000 processor? Thanks for this info,
> I'll add it to my Web site. So, it won't install on
> say a 4400 or a 10K processor?
Sparcstation 1+ Installation Guide, 800-4784-10 rev A, 2 April 1990
Sun System User's Guide, 800-4826-10, rev A 2 april 1990
Sun System and Network Manager's Guide, 800-4851-10, rev A 2 april 1990
Sun "System Introduction". 800-1702-10 rev a 9 may 1988. $10
Where to get IRIX OS?
monitors and cables
no "13W3 to VGA adapters" available at this time.
13W3 SGI video signals; VGA LCD monitors; SGI to VGA adapters
Sun items sold but still interesting:
Non Sun non SGI but workstation
Here's some customer's references, unsolicited. Locations are either state
in the US, or country outside the US. Note: my primary sales are in the Mac world, so I have
many more references there. These are just SGI
and DEC and Sun references. - Herb
Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
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