This Web page last updated Feb 17 2024. This content was previously on my Intel 4040 based systems Web page. - Herb Johnson
In the early 2000's, I acquired an Intellec 4/40 and a complete UPP. In 2012 I acquired a second Intel UPP chassis. The UPP's are an Intel 4040 processor based peripheral, from Intel, for PROM development from the early 1970's. This Web page discusses the Intel UPP and the two UPP's I have. There's also notes about UPP testing at Intel, from Dwight Elevey who worked there.
Of a similar kind of design, is the Intellec 4/40, which I have running under its ROM serial monitor. Intel intially developed the 4004 processor, followed by the 8008, and then the 4040 and the 8080 became available in 1974-5. The later Intel Intellec 8 and 8 mod 80 or 8/80 systems are also similar in design to the 4/40 and UPP. Later still, Intel developed the Multibus as a standard bus, and their development systems and products became Multibus-based. I have some Multibus cards and systems on another Web page. - Herb Johnson
According to the Intel Data Catalog for 1977, the Universal PROM Programmer is an Intellec system peripheral capable of programming and verifying a number of Intel PROMS, the Intel 8748 Microcomputer (processor chip) and the Intel 8755 PROM and I/O chip. It can hold two "personality cards" to program chips in the two PROM sockets on the front panel. The UPP-101 model has a 16 pin and 24-pin pair of PROM sockets; the UPP-102 has two 24-pin PROM sockets on the front panel. The Intel document describing the hardware is the "Intel Universal PROM Programmer Reference Manual" #9800122 or #9800133; I read the 9800133 version. Here's a list of personality cards or modules for the UPP from the Intel document. I don't know if other companies made compatible boards.
There's a controller module (4040 CPU board) and the front panel, and a simple backplane of 100 pin connectors, which connects four slots. One is for the control card, and two are used by the PROM personality cards, and also wired to the front panel's PROM sockets. (The 4th slot is for an undefined "buffer card".) I'm honestly not sure this backplane is any kind of "buss", but there are some common lines among the slots.
Data and control for the UPP, is performed over a 25-line "interconnection cable". The cable runs from the control board to an Intel Development System, running either ISIS-II or a paper-tape based Intellec System Monitor to run the "Universal PROM Mapper" program. On the development system the UPP appears as I/O addresses F0H, F1H, F2H for data, address, and control/status of the UPP and the PROM in use. The documentation defines development systems as the intellec MDS, 8/8, or 8/80. Each Personality Card has timing and voltages needed to read and write a PROM, and 4001 ROMS to hold code for the local 4040 to run to support that PROM.
Here's a list of the 4001 ROMs for the various UPP boards. The boards are detailed on this Web page. The 4001 ROM list matters, because it's often the case that UPP boards and other 4004 4040 boards, appear for sale without these critical ROMs. That's because "chip collectors" and scrappers harvest them as valuable "collectables". If you have a UPP or other board with ROMS, please help me update and verify this list. I discuss UPP software ROMS elsewhere on this Web page.
My cursory read of both the UPP Reference Manual and the 4/MOD-40 manual, tells me that boards between the two systems are incompatible, even though they both use a 100-pin connector and similar board dimensions. The UPP is essentially a dedicated 4040 controller to drive one or two PROM programming cards. The 4/MOD-40 supports a bus for a number of 4/MOD40 boards, for data memory and I/O. The UPP Control (4040 CPU) board edge connector P1, has entirely different pinouts from the 4/mod40 CPU board. Also the UPP Personality Modules (PROM programmer boards) have different pinouts from the 4/MOD-40 RAM Memory card. Many lines on the backplane are not "straight across" the connectors, as one might expect on a "fully bussed" system. Anyone interested should do more cross-checking, my review was cursory.
Aug 2013:My colleague Dwight Elvey came across Kyle's discussion of his work and mine with our 4 Mod 40 and my UPP systems. Here's some notes from Dwight about his Intel Corp. experiences with the UPP.
In Feb 2023, Dwight discussed the UPP again, with other correspondents and myself. here's more notes from that discussion. Dwight describes a construction problem, shielded wires, with the UPP cable to the Intel developoment system. He also mentions a hardware tool that could "execute single instructions on the 4040 bus", presumably the 4-bit bus from the processor itself. Jon Hales points out, that the UPP schematic drawings 9800159A include THREE UPP external cables; one to the Intel MDS, one to the intellec 8 & 8/MOD80, and one to the "INT 4/4" presumably the intellec 4/40. The UPP Reference Manual only describes the MDS and the 8/MOD80 cables. - Herb
On 2/9/2024 Leif Weispfennig wrote: Greetings from Germany! I am writing to you because I discovered that your website seems to be pretty much the only resource on the internet with a lot of detail and actual photos of the Intel UPP.
An online friend of mine who works in waste management discovered an apparently licensed OEM version of the Intel UPP made by Siemens. After some logistical issues with his work schedule he managed to save it for me. It also comes with an adapter board in the PROM programming socket that is not yet documented on your website. Unlike the Intel version, it comes in a grey case.
I have attached a photo and will provide you with
more details and detailed photos of all the boards once it gets here.
Have you ever seen this variant before? - [regards] Leif
[photo of "Universal PROM-Programmiergerat" with PROM adapter.] Further details of this Siemens branded Intel UPP are on this linked Web page. - Herb
Here's a complete UPP or Universal PROM Programmer. It uses a 4040 processor, and was designed to be used with a terminal or with the intellec systems. There's the 4040 control card and two "personality modules" for different PROM families, as described above. It happens I acquired this one with three cards, but there's only two
personality slots plus the control slot on the internal backplane.
Here's the boards in place as I obtained the UPP. INside the chassis is the backplane, with cables to the two ZIP sockets in the front.
This board is PWA 1000421-01A NOte
there are three populated slots but four rails. The extra rail pair accomodates an extra personality card for storage, I suppose. Here's a closer look at the cables to the ZIF sockets.
Here's the 4040 control card which
I believe should be in the back of the UPP in J4. PWA 1000366-04F. Here's a close look at the 4001 ROMs; the 4040 processor is just above them.
Here's the 3604A card which I
found in the empty slot rails in front of the control board. PWA 1001506-01A. The backplane shows an unpopulated "J3". Here's a closeup of the 4001's for the 3604A.
Here's the 2716 card which I
found in the slot second to the front, in "socket 2" or J2. PWA 1000964-02G. Here's a closeup of the 4001's for the 2716.
Here's the UPP-833 card which I
found in the slot at the front, in "socket 1" or J1. PWA 1002488-06J. Here's a closeup of the 4001's for the UPP-833. I'm told it does 2732, 2764 and Intel 8751. It needs the 564 or 551 adaptor ZIF socket for the last two, which installs in the front panel 24-pin ZIF socket.
Here's a UPP-555 adapter card which I
got with the UPP. PWA 123332. The back of the card has 24 pins to fit in the 24-pin ZIP socket on the UPP. YOu can see various 16-pin DIP sockets
on the board which program it for 3604, 2758, 3600 and 3616 devices.
Here's a UUP on the left, showing the case.
Here's another view of the openchassis. I acquired this case in Dec 2012 from Kyle Owen, with an original UPP user's manual. The top fits my UPP just fine. YOu can see the interior has been stripped down. For use, I'll see about restoring the front panel by fabricating the front cover design with a photo mounted on a sheet of aluminum.
Here's another UPP on the left, showing the case. I acquired this in late Oct 2015, as shown, no top; with the three
boards below. Someone at some point removed loose 4000-series chips, for the "chip collectors".
The PROM control module or CPU, PWA 1000366. the 4001 PROMS at A10, A20
and A29 are removed, as is the 4040 at A5. (My intact 4040 board has these
soldered in.) A 4002-1 RAM is at A11. There's four Intel P3404 chips, looks
like room for three more. There's two DIP sockets at J1 and J2.
The 4040 board's chips are dated early 1975.
UPP-833 personality module, model 1002488-05 rev "ESC". The 4001 PROMS
at A5 and A6 are removed. Chip date codes are early to late 1979.
3604 personality module, model 1000444-01. One 4001 ROM on A15,
date 7546, PP0P48 "code", O918 identification. One 4001 ROM on A14,
date 7701, PP0P39-B "code", 0381 identification. There's a J1 socket which
is probably strap options or a cable connector. Chip date codes 1977 and
early 1978.
The following UPP boards I acquired over time.
8755 is supported on this Intel card, model 1001132-02B.
8748 is supported on this Intel card, model 1000735-01C.
2716 is supported on this Intel card, model 1000964-02D.
In April 2015 I was fortunate to acquire some more UPP boards; however they don't have 4001's. Here's some descriptions.
2702, 2704, 2708 are supported on this Intel card, PWA 1000433.
2732, 2764 are supported on this Intel card, PWA 10002488-06J.
a 2716 card, PWA 1000964; a control card (w/o 4040), PWA 1000366. See previous photographs.
Another UPP PROM card is the UPP-1702A, PWA 1000410, programs 1702A's.
This card, is from my Intellec 4/40 system described elsewhere. Board model 0000090. board dated 1973, chips 1975. The Intellec 4/40 also has a ZIP socket for programming PROMs. This is not compatible with the UPP personality / PROM boards.
In Aug 2015 I was asked for a replacement top for a UPP. So I made some measurements.
On examination, the UPP top is very simple - a flat aluminum sheet with
small bends at the short ends, and many air slots. Basically it's cut
from an 8" X 18" or larger panel, actual dimensions close to 7-11/16 X
(17" + two 1/8" right-angle bends) with slots 1/16" wide and just over
an inch long, and some lock-downs.
Here's a photo of the top
Here's a photo under the top
Here's a dimensional drawing
Here's notes on the dimensions
The thickness of the aluminum metal is .050" (16 gauge) thick with paint, maybe it's 3/64" or .047" bare, doesn't much matter as long as it's fairly stiff. - Herb
These UPP boards have 4040 code in their 4001 ROMS. Those chips are also I/O devices. If your 4001 ROMs are missing or damaged, here's a list I'm keeping of 4001s, Some have Intel part numbers and are listed
with their UPP programming boards. You are welcome to report your ROMs, and let me know if your card is known-working. SOmeday, I'll see about how-to-read these. - Herb
Copyright © 2024 Herb Johnson