Web page last updated March 16 2025. (c) copyright Herb Johnson. To email @ me, see my ordering Web page. This is a restoration of Bruce Black's SWTPC 6800 system in 2025. I obtained this system from him in 2010, look back at it then. I also have another MP-A board obtained in 2024, see below. Look at all my 6800/6809 work from a page of Web links.
SWTP 6800 system cabinet with:
In 2010 I reformed the power supply caps and did some general cleaning. Look back at it then and the other items I obtained. Then time passed ... now it's 2025, what happened? In 2023-24, my friend Neil Cherry got me interested in 6800 again. I bought some SS-50 cards and looked at my accumulated SWTPC items over that period. Now in Jan-Feb-Mar 2025 I'm getting Bruce's system back on line.
As of mid-March 2025, I have the CPU board and MP-C serial/6820 board running the SWTPBug monitor at 300 baud on a terminal/laptop. I have the three MP-8 RAM boards and the MP-M 4K RAM board running a simple memory test (from the MP-8 manual).
The first set challenges are to clean up the rust, replace components. also means reforming the power supply to get it back to proper voltages. Then figure out Bruce's modifications and probably undo some of them.
I'll have to determine the operation of the TTL SS-30 card, because several mods of the 6800 system are related to its use. More likely I'll extract the TTL SS-30 card from my restoration and reverse some or all of the modifications. Then I need to test a minimal 6800 board set to establish ROM monitor operation. Then I can test the other SS-50 and SS-30 cards, finally the floppy controller, and then with a restore disk drive bring up a FLEX operating system.
My particular strategies are to examine the various cards and see what their condition is and what modifications were made. Also general clean-up strategies of components and connectors. I worked on this out-of order of my general strategy, but I'll report results by-card rather than chronologically.
The 6800 system as recieved, had three 8K memory boards addressed to the lower RAM 0000-5FFF, and a 4K board at 7000-7FFF. With a working ROM monitor, I can add and test that memory. I can also test the serial-S board. Ultimately I'll test the disk controller, a floppy drive box, and bring up FLEX 1.0.
What software will you run when it's restored? The ROM monitor is SWTPBUG, a simple monitor to do simple testing. After restoring the floppy controller and drives, I'll run FLEX, a common 6800 floppy operating system. There's many disk-images of FLEX software archived on the Web. There's some additional FLEX disks that came with the computer. I'll see if they are single or double sided drives and thus disks. It uses a 1771 FDC so they ought to be "readable" (and images writable) on my ancient 486 system using Dunfield's imagedsk.
restoration of the chassis and power supply are discussed below.
Mods of the MP-B motherboard are discussed below.
Mods of the MP-A CPU board are discussed below.
Functions of the TTL SS-30 board are discussed below.
Repairs of the SS-30 MP-C serial board is discussed below.
Net result of all Bruce's mods
Repairs of the SS-30 MP-S serial board is discussed below.
MP-M 4K memory is below
MP-8 M2 8K memory is below
another MP-A card is below
I pulled the SWTP 6800 chassis out of storage, pulled out the SS-50 cards, and looked hard at the chassis and mobo. There's some rust here and there on the IC's and who knows how the mobo is underneath.
I popped off the MP-B motherboard and the underside looks a little
dusty but electrically OK. I worried about the Molex connectors and damage from all the force needed to insert and extract
the boards. There's a number of standoffs glued to the bottom
which provide insertion relief. Note a bit of rosin crud near this standoff. I may add wood under the other SS-50 connectors.
Here's a view of the keyswitch area of the chassis. The keyswitch (far left) switches the AC line side of the power supply. There's also a reset button and power LED. Later I learned the AC fuse was 2.5A slow-blow. In the 8V DC power circuits, there is a 10A fuse. These are in open fuse holders. This is not a kid's toy!
Reforming the caps and monitoring the power supply voltages was uneventful.
I took notes which essentially said the DC voltages came up to their unregulated values; I ran 130V AC
eventually to be sure the caps had a voltage margin. My AC line voltage generally runs 120VAC. Unregulated
DC no-loads at 120VAC was 10.1V (nominal 8V, on-board regulated to 5V), 21.2V (regulated to +12.2V) -21.2V (regulated to -11.9V).. At 87VAC, voltages were 6.7V, 14.9V, -15.0V no loads which gave 5V -12V +12V after
regulation. the MP-B has 1V and -12V regulators TO-220 good to under an amp; and a local T0-220 +5V regulator
for the ICs which decode the SS-30 selects (memory mapped I/O slots, like the Apple II).
The AC power cord was intact, but very stiff. Old flexible plastics can harden that way. It was OK for testing but I decided to replace it. This photo points out the AC cord points of attachment. My archive of AC cords provided a replacment. The two AC plugs are pretty similar and the cables looked similar. A little surgery on the terminal strip for one AC line, the other was wired to that AC fuse (2.5A slow blow) and was reachable eventually. Some resoldering and the replacement AC cord was installed.
While testing the chassis and CPU board with an oscillscope, I found the chassis was AC hot! There was AC power voltage between the SWTPC chassis and my scope cabinet! Turns out, the SWSTPC chassis had an AC short to it! One of the AC wires was pinched by a screw on the motherboard. Some circuit tracing found the shorted wire, and freeing the wire fixed the short.
I was a little disturbed when I found the DC common was connected to chassis ground. Tracing shows it's connected at two points. One is the +12V TO-220 regulator's screw - of course its center pin and case is common, so the screw to chassis as uninsulated makes the chassis connection. I can isolate that with some effort.
The other DC common to chassis is more deliberate. There's phenolic terminal Strips with Solder Lugs for the power supply. One is a 3-terminal with the center terminal grounded. That terminal is the center-tap connection for the ± 12V unregulated AC winding. Isolating *that* would be difficult. I'd have to remove the strip and insert a 4-pin strip or an isolated 3-pin strip. Since these were part of the chassis day one, I won't mess with them now.
Some of the mobo's IC pins were rusty, typical TI 1970's black pins. I replaced the ICs and cleaned the sockets with brush and added DeOxit using a copper wire as a brush. The sockets did not accumulate obvious damage. Here's the lubed sockets on the mobo with replaced IC's.
The SS-30 and -50 pins also had degrees of rust and corrosion of the tin or solder surface. Here's a view of some pins. Also another view.. LEt's look at a single pin. I used 800 grit sandpaper, and it seemed to remove some of the crud - the sandpaper is the black sheet in the photo. This sandpaper was brittle and did not bend, so it was not ideal for use on round pins. I'll likely apply some kind of silicon spray or maybe DeOxit contact spray later. I'm reluctant to try to heat and resolder-tin the pin surfaces - those Molex holders are nylon and will melt, deform in heat! And there's too many of them.
modifications: I took time while the mobo was clear, to determine what mods were made.
Here's a sketch of the mobo board and mods, also the location of key SS-30 cards.
Later, I refined the sketch to include features of the SS-30 bus. Note the wire from the back of the SS-50 bus to the SS-30 bus. UD-1 on the SS-50 is user-defined, open. It's wired to UD4 on the SS-30, again user-defined. A jumper on slot 5 is from UD-3 to slot 5 /select. That's for the DC2 floppy controller, gives it more address space.
There's also a baud rate switch, stop-bit switch, and a
"data" LED on the front panel. A multi-poll switch is wired to the SS-50 baud-rate lines, at the front of the chassis.
The slected baud rate is wired back to the to the top of the wirewrap card on the SS-30 slot 0. The stop-bit
two pole switch and "data" LED are also wired to that card. I'll detail that card later. Essentially it proves to be a cassette interface, but also a new baud-rate generator and 6800 clock, replacing both on the MP-A CPU. I'll reverse the baud and clock mods, run without the custom ss-30 card.
Modifications on the MP-A
I found a number of mods on the MP-A 6800 CPU board. The 2010 photo shows some wiring and missing chips in the sockets, lower left. Additionally these IC's and wire show some mods, and here's additional mods of the ICs Note the small jumper in the IC socket. These seem crude but they were cheap, effective and reversable: this is how things were done in the mid-1970's. Here's my schematic of the mods. Here's a SWTPC MP-A schematic.
The MP-A related mods serve two purposes. One is, to route a clock to the CPU board to drive the CPU clock circuits. The MP-A has arcane transistor clock drivers, a design right from early Motorola 6800 data books. The other mod, is to remove baud rate generation to the SS-50 bus. By removing the 14411 baud rate generator and 74L04 driver IC, those signals are disabled. By design, the custom TTL card drives the baud-rate SS-30 lines, which are also connected to the SS-50 baud lines.
Additional MP-B wire modes and MP-A mods, route a clock signal from the SS-30 TTL card on a user bus lines to the MP-A's clock-driver circuit. This sketch of the motherboard shows added wires from SS-50 line UD-1, to SS-30 line UD4 - that connects a UD4 pin on the custom TTL card to a UD1 pin on the MP-A which feeds a 6800 clock signal. The switch wiring from the front-panel baud and stop-bit switches, is bundled along the mobo edge, to connectors atop the custom TTL board.
There's also a SWTPC mod for the SWTBUG ROM, an added address line for a larger ROM, which I will retain. The small RAM on the CPU board is still addressed at A000H for the 'bug ROMs (SWTBUG). So that tells me, once I restore clock and baud rate to local CPU board generation, I should be able to terminal with the ROM monitor with the CPU board and probably the serial 6820 board. That's good, only two boards and the motherboard to debug.
I forgot to add a crystal to the MP-A board. It was removed when that external TTL board generated baud rates and 6800 clock. I have the 1.8432 MHz instead of 1.7971 crystal that's described in the documentation. Why did SWTP go with a slower oddball crystal?
In early March I operated the 6800 with the MP-C serial card and the MP-A CPU board. I used an old MS-DOS laptop
with a terminal program as a terminal to run the monitor ROM. My oscilloscope showed processor clock, baud rates, and various signaling wasoperating. But for several days I was confused about the 300 baud serial output. The monitor software and
serial board seemed to produce garbage characters. the commands seemed to be odd. This was an error on my part.
First, I needed to read the SWTPBUG manual for the command syntax. Second, I dug into the source and saw
that the command prompts included Teletype commands to turn off and on the punch - those are control characters
that my
In June 2024 I had an opportunity to buy another MP-A board at a low price. It needed many chips and had old-school sockets, even Molex-pins. But the price was good and I obtained it. I've repopulated it with all the odd TTL and I obtained a SWTPC 6830 ROM.
When I was uncertain if my system's MP-A was working, I tested this card. It needed a change of baud-rate
generator 14440 chip. After that, it performed the same as my system's MP-A card. as I noted above, the problem
was with me, not the CPU or MP-C serial board. Incidently, this other card has a 1.7971 Mhz crystal, as
documented in the SWTPC manual. The terminal responded at 300 baud despite this slight difference in
frequency, about 2% or so.
Additional MP-B wire and MP-A mods, route a clock signal from the SS-30 TTL card on a user bus lines to the MP-A's clock-driver circuit. This sketch of the motherboard shows added wires from SS-50 line UD-1, to SS-30 line UD4 - that connects a UD4 pin on the custom TTL card to a UD1 pin on the MP-A which feeds a 6800 clock signal. The switch wiring from the front-panel baud and stop-bit switches, is bundled along the mobo edge, to connectors atop the custom TTL board. There's wiring from the top of the TTL card to a DB-25 connector on the back chassis.
I'm not discussing the baud rate generator or cassette features of the TTL card at this time. My immediate
plan is to operate and test the system without the TTL card, out of caution.
By designer's schematic and tracing those chassis & mobo modifications, I determined the following about the TTL card. The SS-30 TTL wirewrapped board is a baud rate generator , 6800 clock source, and decode/encode for cassette audio. Baud rate and cassette and CPU clocks, are wire-wrapped around a TTL hardware divider based on a 1MHz crystal clock. There's also analog circuitry for the cassette endoding/decoding to/from serial I/O. The board drives the baudrate lines on the SS-30 (and the -50).
There was no TTL card chip/IC layout drawing. So I made one by observation of the card's ICs. It correlates with the schematic.
Photo later of the MP-C. This view includes the MP-C with the MP-S and TTL cards. The MP-C card uses a 6820 to bit-bang serial. It's something that Motorola did early in the 6800's distribution before the 6850 UART and supported in their ROM monitor. SWTPC replicated the capability and I think supported it in SWTBUG, the ROM on this CP-A CPU board.
There's wiring from the top of the MP-C card to a DIN connector on the back chassis.
SWTPC docs show the general RS-232 serial hookup for either the MP-S or MP-C card.
If you read my results with the MP-A, you'll see I got the MP-C card running the SWTPBUG monitor at 300 baud.
Here's a schematic of all the mods made on Bruce's SWTPC 6800 system.
Here's a drawing of the wiring on the MP-B motherboard.
The net effect is 1) a TTL card for SS-30 baud rates and MPU-A CPU clock. 2) wiring from the TTL card to the MPU-A for
the CPU clock. A mix of wires, PC board cuts, bent-pin or removed ICs, and use of the non-dedicated "user lines". Reference the other sections on cards mentioned for specifics and sketches and photos
of the mods and wiring. I'm not discussing the baud rate generator or cassette features of the TTL card at this point.
I have three MP-M8 memory cards, each with two banks of 4K X 1 static RAM chips. I tested them one by one by use of the SWTPBug monitor to enter and examine consecutive memory locations; and then I entered a memory-test program with the monitor for continuous testing. This took several sessions but I got all three cards operating. I'll simply run through the problems and fixes across all three cards.
One card needed replacement of one of two 5V regulators; it was running at 5.4 volts. All three cards needed some TMS4044 memory replacments; I have an unused 32K S-100 memoy card full of those RAMs. A few chips were stuck-bit problems (high as 1, low as 0). With one card, I found both RAM banks seemed to have RAMs with low DC resistance from +5 to ground (with power off of course, using an ohmmeter). As a precaution I replaced all 16 chips and DC resistance went from about 300 ohms to 4K ohms.
The MP-8 M2 4K memory cards, addressed at 0000H, 2000H, 4000H. They cover memory from 0000H to 5FFFH.
With each card working with a simple memory test (count from 00H to FFH across each memory location, confirm
the result, and increment), I had 8K X 3 or 24K of RAM from 0000H to 5FFFH. This is how it was set up when I obtained
the computer.
The MP-M 4K memory card, addressed at "7" or 7000H-7FFFH.
There's one MP-M 4K memory card, 32 each of 21L02's. I tested the card as I tested the 8K cards. It had a stuck bit. But since the bit was across two different RAM chips, I checked the data line drivers by swappint the two 4-bit drivers. Sure enough, the stuck bit followed the chip; replacing the data line driver fixed the problem.
The 4K card is addressed at 7000-7FFFH. Reading the FLEX 1.0 documentation, FLEX needs to reside in that memory area, and loads problems in the 24K memory area below. Later versions of FLEX need memory at higher addresses, but this situation will do to get the floppy controller and FLEX 1.0 running as was provided to me.
My paper original MP-M documents, didnt' have a schematic! I found a document online but the schematic was split
between two pages. Probably, because the original was 11 X 14 and scanned as 8 X 11. I fussed with the scanned images
and produced a 11 x 14 sized document.
The MP-S card had some damaged IC chips and sockets, which were replaced. The 6850 UART socket was old Molex pins; I replaced them with a proper socket. The ceramic/gold 6850 had damaged pins, I replaced it with a plastic cased part. Here's the result and the removed chips shown on the side.
Here's a view of the critical SS-30 boards in place. Here's another view. These roughly show the cabling associated with those cards. There's wiring from the top of the MP-S card to a connector on the back chassis.
SWTPC docs show the general RS-232 serial hookup for either the MP-S or MP-C card.
DC-2 floppy controller (ss-30)
MP-R 2716 EPROM programmer.
Copyright © 2025 Herb Johnson