Various S-100 and related books for sale

This page last updated Sept 11 2013. Ordering information and terms of sale can be found in this notice.
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For diskette drives, diskettes, controllers, and drive manuals, check my section on disks. For S-100 and related manuals, and some Intel and Multibus manuals, and who knows what else, go back to my S-100 page. For S-100 hardware, check my S-100 items section. For Heath Zenith books and magazines, see my Heath/Zenith list of stuff.

Unless noted otherwise, the books are in good condition. The publisher's name is identified as "pub". Page counts are approximate.


I have not priced these individually as interest in them varies. YOU tell ME what you will pay, plus shipping; but we'd like more than a few dollars per book as a start, more for older books; and more than $1 per magazine. Shipping and processing costs will depend on weight, destination, and method of shipping. We typically charge a few dollars over actual shipping costs per package to cover packing and materials, order processing, delivery to shipper, etc. We will quote shipping when you provide a ZIP code/city/state. Shipping is cheapest by US mail. For other terms and conditions of sale please refer to my orders notice.

book lists

Tandy/Radio Shack titles

"More TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming" by Bill Barden, 1982, 430 pgs
"Business Programming Applications", William Barden, 1982, 280 pgs
"TRS-80 Level II BASIC- a self teaching guide", Albrecht, Inman, Zamora, 1980, 350 pgs
"Business Programs for TRS-80 Model 1/III", Charles D Sternberg, 1980, Hayden pub., 260 pgs
"57 Practical Programs and Games in BASIC", Ken Tracton, 1978, Tab pub., 200 pgs
- binding loose
"TRS-80 Data File Programming (in BASIC)- Model I/III",
-LeRoy Finkle, Jerald Brown, 1981, Wiley pub., 300 pgs
"TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming", William Barden, 1979, 224 pgs
"From the Counter to the Bottom Line", Warren, Miller, dilithium pub., 1979, 288 pgs
- how to use CTBL account package and MECA tape system for TRS-80
"BASIC computer games Vol II, TRS-80 edition", Ahl, 1979, 190 pgs. Book curled (probably sold)
"TRS-80 programming in style", Dwyer, Critchfield, 1980, 340 pgs, Book curled.
"BASIC computer games, TRS-80 edition", Ahl, 1979, 180 pgs. Book curled
"Computer Programming in BASIC for everyone", Dwyer, Kaufman, 1973 (reprinted 1977),
- actually about using timeshared BASIC and paper tape!
"Building Speaker Enclosures", Middleton, Radio Shack, 1972, 90 pgs.

CP/M titles

"CP/M Assembly Language Programming", Barbier, Prentice-Hall pub. ,1983, 216 pgs
"The CP/M Handbook with MP/M", Saks, Sybex pub., 1980, 316 pgs
"The Programmer's CP/M Handbook", Johnson-Laird, Osborne-McGraw-Hill pub, 1983, 495 pgs
"How to get started with CP/M", Townsend, dilithium pub., 1981, 125 pgs
"Introduction to CP/M Assembly Language", Jon Lindsay. Pub by Executive Computer, 1982. 172 pgs
"CP/M Simplified" by Jeffery Weber, Weber Systems publisher. Paperback, 300 pgs.
"CP/M Revealed", by Jack Dennon , Hayden Press, 1982, 180 pgs
"CP/M User's Reference Manual", Morrow Designs (republished DRI CP/M 2.2 manual), paperback

A set of CP/M articles from "S-100 Microsystems" magazine, possibly reprints.
"The CP/M Connection" by CHris Terry, first 5 articles in series
"An Introduction to CP/M" by Jake Epstein, first 4 articles
"the CP/M Bus" by Anthony Skjellum, 9 articles
"CP/M Disk Directory and Table Secrets..." ANdrew Klossner
"Using CP/M's Autoload Feature" by Kelly Smith

Assembly language or hardware titles

"The 8086 book" by Rector and Alexy, Osborn/McGraw-Hill. Classic 8086 assembly language book.

"Microcomputer Theory and Applications with the SDK-85" by Mohamed Rafiquzzaman.
Pub by Wiley, 1982, textbook. Includes SDK-85 schematic, ROM monitor source. 600 pgs.

"The 8086 Primer", Stephen P Morse, hayden press, 1980. 200 pgs.

"8087 Applications and Programming for the IBM PC", Startz, Brady
Prentice-Hall. 1983, 276 pgs

"Peter Norton's Assembly Language Book for the IBM PC", 1989, Simon and Schuster, 400 pgs

Business programming and computer use

"Computer Basics for Management - volume 1", Massey, General Learning Press, 1968, 400 pgs
- hardcover, makes business cases for use of computers
"Executive Computing - how to get it done on your own", Nevision, Addison-Wesley, 1981, 300 pgs
-various business programs in BASIC and VisiCalc
"The Small Computer in Small Business", Brian R Smith,Stephen Green Press, 1981 hardcover, 143 pgs
-overview of small computers for your business
"Home Computers can make you RICH", Weisbecker, Hayden pub., 1980, 122 pgs
- setting up a home-base computing services or software company
"Inventory Management for Small Computers", Atkinson, dilithium pub, 1982, 194 pgs
- CBASIC2 programs with listings for inventory
"BASIC with business applications", Lott, John Wiley pub., 1977,
- teaches BASIC and has simple business programs
"BASIC with business applications - second edition", Lott, John Wiley pub., 1982,
- teaches BASIC and has simple business programs
"The affordable computer", Summer, Levy, AMACOM pub., 1979, 162 pgs
- business cases for use of computers
"Microcomputers for business applications", Barden, Sams pub., 1979, 256 pgs
-overview and training book for microcomputer technology for business persons
"Your First Computer - a guide to Business and Personal Computing", Zaks, Sybex pub.
- 254 pgs, introduces hardware of the time, programming, hardware logic, etc.
"Advanced techniques in Turbo Pascal", Edwards, pub. by Zybex, 1987.
- 300 pgs, MS-DOS based Turbo Pascal
"Mastering Turbo C" by Kelly-Bootle, Sybex pub., 1988
- 560 pgs, MS-DOS Version 1.5
"dBase II User's Guide", Adam B Green, pub by Software Banc 1983

Other titles

"Getting involved with your own computer - a guide for beginners", Solomon, Veit, Ridley Enslow Pub.,
- 1977, 200 pgs. Introduction and review of available computers.
"Artificial Intelligence - the search for the perfect machine" Stevens, Hayden pub., 1985, 176 pgs
- overview of state of AI in practice, including expert systems
"BASIC Fun - a kids guide to BASIC programming", Lipscome, Zuanich, Avon pub., 1982, 176 pgs
- yellowed pages. Kids games program listings.
"Microsoft Fortran", Paul Chirlian, dilithium Press, 1981, 320 pgs
"Microcomputer Graphics", Roy E Myers, Addison-Wesley, 1982, 270 pgs
"Fortran programs for Scientists and Engineers", Alan R. Miller, Sybex, 1982, 280 pgs.


Dr. Dobbs Journal

Early issues are by volume/issue. Later are by number only. where issues have a issue number and volume number: 8/18 is issue 8 (for volume 2), number 18. Multiple copies will be numbered in parenthesis: 44(2) is two issues. All issues in good condition and complete, many in better condition. 1977, Volume 2: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8/18 9/19 1978, Vol 3: 24 25(2) 26(2) 29(2) 30 note: also one set issues 21 to 24 bound 1979, Vol 4: 31(2) 32 33(2) 34(2) 35 36(2) 37 39 40 1980, Vol 5: 41 42 43 44(2) 45(3) 46(2) 47(2) 48(2) 49(2) 50(2) 1981, Vol 6: 51(2) 52(2) 53(2) 54(2) 55(2) 56 57(2) 58(2) 59(3) 60(2) 61 62 1982, Vol 7: 63 64 65(2) 67 68 69(2) 70(2) 71(2) 72(3) 73(3) 74(2) 1983, Vol 8: 75(2) 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86(2) 1984, Vol 9: 87 88 89 90 91 1993, Vol 18: 199 1994, Vol 19: 210 note: I WANT issues 99 (Jan 85), 104 (June 85), 106 (Aug 85) also any Volume 1 issues (1976).

MicroSystems The CP/M User's Journal

1982 Sep/Oct issue 1983, Vol 4: 1 2 3 4 5 7(2) 9 1984, Vol 5: 1(2) 2 4(2) 5(2) 7 8 9(2) 10(2) 11 12(2)

REMark (Heath/Zenith magazine)

see my Heath/Zenith list of stuff

Sextant (Heath/Zenith magazine)

see my Heath/Zenith list of stuff

Miscelaneous mags

C Users Journal or C++ Users Journal: Dec 1999, Vol 17 No. 12 Feb 1993, Vol 11 No 2 Sept 1995, Vol 13 No 9 Jul 1996, Vol 14 No 7 Oct 1993, Vol 11 No 10 Midnight Engineering Nov/Dec 1992, Vol 3 Num 6 Fall 1996, Vol 7 Num 4 Mar/Apr 1993, Vol 4 Num 2 Sep/Oct 1993, Vol 4 Num 5 MicroComputing Journal (ComputerCraft) May/June 1994 July 1993, Vol 3 No 7 Feb 1992, Vol 2 No 2 Mar/Apr 1997, Vol 4 no 2 Popular Electronics June 1993, Vol 10 No 6 Dec 1995, Vol 12 No 12 Circuit Cellar Ink Dec 90, Jan 91; issue 18 Aug/Sep 1991: issue 22 OCt/Nov 1991: issue 23 June/Jul 1992: issue 27 May 1998: issue 94 Feb 1998: issue 91 Mar 1997: issue 80 Jul 1996: issue 72 May 1995: issue 58 Sept 1995, issue 62 Aug 1993, issue 37 June 1994, issue 47 Mar 1993, Issue 32 Dec/Jan 1992/93, issue 30 Jun/Jul 1991, issue 21

Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
follow this link to email @ me

Copyright © 20011 Herb Johnson
Last updated Oct 27 2011