Most recent revision of this page dated Oct 2 2024
The other Mac parts and accessories I have available are linked and referenced on my Mac home page, go there for details. Follow this link for ordering information and terms and conditions of sale.
Meanwhile, here are the links to my Mac printers on this page:
For the last few years, we've not offered complete Apple LaserWriter printers, only parts. These printers are too old and fragile and expensive to ship. We continue to offer Apple Stylewriter and ImageWriter printers, complete or their parts. We try to offer partsfor many Apple laser printers. But through 2008 and into 2009, people stopped ordering parts. So, I'll close out the remaining laser printer parts - I'll consider offers if you ask for enough LaserWriter parts. Otherwise, out they go with the trash! (So don't wait.)
For some questions about Apple printers and other Mac common questions, check my Mac FAQ., or check Apple's Web site from my Mac links page.. Also check the Web for discussion groups (Usenet newsgroups, etc.) and user-supporting Web sites for Apple equipment. There are additional notes on another Web page about Ethernet networking and Apple printers.
CAN I RECOMMEND A REPAIR SERVICE? Nope. I simply don't keep track of them, certainly not nationally.
MY PRINTER'S LIGHTS ARE BLINKING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY PRINTER?. Most Apple printers use blinking lights to show an error condition, except the normal blink of the "ready" light when a page is sent or is about to print. Check the printer's manual for explanations. Or check Apple's Web site for the manual or for descriptions of these lights. Or check other Web sites which offer further info and diagnostic suggestions. My list of Mac Web pointers shows Apple Web site links and links to other sites. Check my list of Mac frequent questions for some info.
In addition, you can "setup" your printer and Mac to provide VERY INFORMATIVE error messages. Early Mac software such as "Apple Printer Utility" can run your printer and provide more information. Check this Apple Web link for some info about this program. It only runs under System 7.something and not OS 8 or OS 9 or OS X.
I'm just going to buy a new printer. Parts are too expensive, I don't know how to repair. I understand that cost of repair competes with buying a new printer. However, you'll find that many new printers are USB. Older Macs don't have USB. also, new printers require very specific software "drivers" which old Macs don't have. In short, owners of older Macs are generally obliged to use Apple printers of similar age.
section to see how to order and pay.
On this Web page I have parts and assemblies available for many Apple laser printers. These are mostly used, some previously tested if unused I'll say so. As of 2016 I can't test most Apple laser printer parts - no printers, except Laserwriter II.Unused Apple printer service parts are on another Web page.
Keep in mind, that most Apple-brand laser printers use many of the same printer parts as older HP (Hewett-Packard) laser printers. A former product line manager at Apple explained: "Both Canon and HP at one time got their print engines from Peerless Systems. The devices were manufactured by Canon at their site in Japan for Apple." The "print engine" is the mechanical parts and the electronics which run them, excluding the "controller" that was made by Apple (or HP or other companies). So for most Apple printers there is are corresponding parts which are compatible. Try to determine which HP print is similar to your Apple printer. Some Web sites may have that info.
section to see how to order and pay.
As of 2022 we don't have Apple laser printers for sale. But we have parts, look below.
Laserwriter 8500 laser printer. Postscript, 600dpi
with serial, parallel and Ethernet capability, handles 11 inch wide paper. Ask about specific parts and check the list below.
Laserwriter 8500 fuser. I have a few removed fusers which may or may not be good; I cannot test them. I'll sell one for $25 plus shipping. That gives you at the least, a trade-in.
cassette pickup roller for 8500, part number 922-2777, 1 set of four, unused. $25 plus shipping.
Laserwriter 8500 toner cartridge, M5893G/A. Used, I'll weigh for most toner, $15 plus shipping.
Laserwriter 16/600 PS laser printer. We have parts - ask about specific parts. Supports a variety of connections including SCSI (external storage) Ethernet, parallel port (PC/Windows), serial port/Appletalk. Uses HP Laserjet 4 type toner cartridges.
Laserwriter 12/640 Postscript laser printer. We have some parts, and many parts are compatible with the 16/600 printer. Has PC type parallel port, Appletalk port, and network Ethernet port.
Laserwriter Pro 630 PostScript 2 laser printer. 8 pages/minute (8 ppm), 300dpi or 600dpi and PhotoGrade option, with 8MB RAM (expandable to 32MB in a pair of 72-pin SIMMS). External SCSI connector (like on PowerBook) for font storage. . We have parts - ask about specific parts.
Laserwriter Pro 630 or Pro 600 fuserused, $25 plus shipping.
Laserwriter Pro 600Postscript laser printer. Not available, but it has many parts in common with the Laserwriter Pro 630. Ask about specific parts.
Laserwriter Select 360 Postscript 2 laser printer, 600 DPI. Apple serial port. Also emulates LaserJet III on serial or parallel port. Shipping weight 35 lbs. No printers available. Ask about specific parts.
Laserwriter Select 310 Looks similar to Select 360 but Postscript 1 laser printer. With PC type parallel port, Appletalk port. 5 pages/minute, 300 dpi. Prints and feeds OK over several pages. Shipping weight 35 lbs.
Laserwriter Select 300, 360, 310 fuser not available.
We have some unused Apple printer parts on the linked Web page. The parts on this page are good USED parts unless specifically noted.
section to see how to order and pay.
As of 2022 we don't have any Appple laser printers. Sorry.
Personal Laserwriter 300, 320 & 4/600 PS. Small desktop laser printers, print 4 pages/minute, look identical but have different controllers.
We rarely stock these as printers; ask about parts. Parts like controllers or power supplies are available: please include the model name of your printer AND the part number(s)
on the part to avoid a mismatch. The
models NT and NTR have removable controllers. Remove two screws and the
user can remove the NT or NTR controller to replace it or upgrade it. The
LS controller is not customer-removable. PRinter shipping weight varies from
35 to 45 pounds.
Some models of the Personal Laserwriter have a lower paper tray or cassette, in an optional base under the printer. It holds about 200 sheets, and is used as an alternative to feeding paper from the "multipurpose tray" which folds out from the front. You can buy one and attach it to your printer, by removing the old base (four screws) and attaching this "new" base (four other screws). We have a few of these available.
For memory, the model SC uses 4 30-pin SIMM memory; the NT uses two 30-pin SIMMS; the NTR uses one 1MB/2MB 72-pin SIMM with "cas before ras" or "auto refresh" capability.
NOTE: Regarding power supplies, some have an AC switch on the power suppply (near
the A/C outlet), some have the AC switch on a cable (other side from A/C outlet).
Please identify this feature on your power supply.
Also, here are power supply model numbers we are aware of:
LS/NT/NTR supply, two DC power connectors/cables, A/C switch on cable: RG1-2298
early LS supply, one DC power connector/cable, A/C switch on cable: RH3-2101
please supply a printer model, power supply number and describe the
A/C switch position if possible when ordering.
I have a box of UNUSED Personal Laserwriter printer parts, listed by Apple part number. Check our Personal Laserwriter printer parts Web page for specifics.
section to see how to order and pay.
The LW II supports PostScript printing (except the IIsc) via the Mac modem/printer port. The IIg supports Ethernet; the IIf is identical to the IIg except the IIf has no Ethernet port; the IIntx and IInt have slower processors than the IIf or IIg. Most models (except the IInt and IIsc) will accept memory upgrades. The IIsc controller uses a SCSI connection and is offered for replacement only. The IInt, IIntx, IIf and IIg use an Appletalk or serial connection, and are also supported by Windows 95 and 98. Apple's Web site has much more info on this series of printers, check there if you need tech info to make a selection.
The controller card is a card in the back of the printer, with various connectors and with the LW II model name. It runs the printer and determines the model (f, g, nt, ntx, sc) and establishes the printer's features. This controller card is easily removed and upgraded with a replacement. A controller card is required for printer use.
We have some unused Apple printer parts on the linked Web page. The parts on this page are good used parts unless specifically noted. Many Laserwriter II parts are compatible with/from HP Laserjet II and III printers.
I no longer have working LaserWriter II controllers, they fail with age and need re-capping (look it up).
As dimensions for most controllers are about 10 X 17 inches,
any shipping box would likely be 12 X 20 inches and so cost additional postage over weight.
LW IIsc controller, not PostScript, SCSI interface only.
LW IINT controller, PostScript level 1, 2 MB of RAM: OUT. Uses 64 pin SIMMs
LW IINTX controller, PostScript level 1, 68020 CPU, 1 MB of RAM minimum, uses 64 pin SIMMS.
LW IIf controller, PostScript level 2; 68030 CPU, no ethernet, uses 30 pin SIMM RAM. with 4MB RAM, uses 30 pin SIMMS.
LW IIg controller WITH ETHERNET, PostScript level 2, 68030 CPU, uses 30 pin SIMM RAM: with 4MB RAM, uses 30 pin SIMMS.
Laserwriter II letter size paper trays, $15 each. Ship Wt. 4 lbs
Laserwriter II legal size paper trays, $20 each. Ship Wt. 5 lbs
Laserwriter II toner cartridges are available, old stock, check the toner section of this page.
Laserwriter II AC power supply/controller, used good. This unit is the smaller supply with the AC outlet and power switch. There is a small fan on top of it, in a black case with black filter. Power supply: HP number RA1-4084, or Apple number 661-0427. I'll have to repair and test one before a quote; $49 each. Fan added for $10, sold separately $15. Filter added for $10, $15 sold separately. Ship. Wt. 3 lbs for AC power supply.
Laserwriter II DC power supply, used good. This unit is the larger supply with the switching power supply, on the side of the printer. HP number RG1-1394, or apple number 661-0424. Ask me what I have available, used or unused, and a price. Ship. Wt. 7 lbs
Laserwriter II fuser assembly, 661-0440, used good, tested, fuser drum clean and not torn up. This
unit is easily removed, just four screws at ends. $49 each, ship. Wt. 7 lbs
I have new unused paper pickup rollers for $29 plus shipping.
Other Laserwriter II parts are available; let me know what part
you need and I'll see if I have a good used part available and quote a
Some UNUSED printer parts are available, by Apple part number. Check our unused Apple printer parts Web page for specifics.
AAUI to RJ-45 Ethernet adapters are available for the IIg's network
connector, check my network adapter section for details.
Regarding memory: the IIf and IIg use 30 pin SIMM memory; the IIntx uses 64-pin SIMM memory;
the IINT and IISC do not accept additional memory. Check my
memory section for prices and availability of
SIMM memory.
We have some unused Apple printer parts on the linked Web page. The parts on this page are good used parts unless specifically noted.
section to see how to order and pay.
We have some unused Apple printer parts on another Web page.Other parts for these printers may be listed below.
Apple Laserwriter Plus Kit, M0191 or 03B120128. sealed, new old stock, one available. Ask for details.
This is a typical image of a Stylewriter inkjet printer, this model is the Color
Stylewriter 2400. Apple
and others still make cartridges for these printers, and they are compatible with a variety
of older Macs. Read this note for info on which inkjet cartridges to use with Stylewriter printers.Follow this link to see our supplies of inkjet cartridges.
StyleWriter inkjet printer (the original). We generally don't see many of these,
but users of very old Macs with System 5 or 6 still ask for this printer. We have a few of these in stock. Contact us and see what we have in these printers and their parts, including power supplies ("power cords" with external supply).
Also, check our software section for Apple software to allow
you to use a Stylewriter II printer; and consider buying that printer. Printer cable only $5 more with printer.
StyleWriter II inkjet printer, without print cartridge $59. follow this link for unused old-stock color carrrier and color or b/w cartridges. Printer cable only $5 more with printer.
shipping weight 15 lbs.
StyleWriter 1200 inkjet printer. Stylewriter 1200 w/o print cartridge $60. Prints and feeds OK. Ask about availability of unused old-stock b/w cartridges.
Printer cable only $5 more with printer. shipping weight 15 lbs.
follow this link for unused old-stock color carrrier and color or b/w cartridges. Contact me to see if any are available.
Follow this link to see our supplies of inkjet cartridges.
Color StyleWriter 2400 inkjet printer. Uses either a black print head and
ink cartridge, or a "carrier" which holds a black and a color ink cartridge.
Printer without any cartridges or carrier, $65 plus shipping. With good used b/w print
cartridge, $69. follow this link for unused old-stock color carrrier and color or b/w cartridges. Shipping extra for all prices.
(See my document about cartridges for this printer.)
Printer cable only $5 more w/printer. Shipping weight 15 lbs.
Color StyleWriter 1500 color inkjet printer, with Apple disks (or copies). A little rare. Looks like the Stylewriter II and 2400. Ask about price but it will be higher than the 2400 or 2500. One available.
Color StyleWriter 2500 inkjet printer. Looks and operates like Color Stylewriter 2400, but has external A/C power supply. Uses same print cartridges and ink containers as 2400 model, may print a little faster. Printer without any cartridges or carrier, with A/C supply, $?? plus shipping. follow this link for unused old-stock color carrrier and color or b/w cartridges. A/C power supply (power cable) available seperately for $19 plus shipping. (See my document about cartridges for this printer.) Printer cable only $5 more w/printer. Shipping weight 15 lbs. OUT OF STOCK. but we have the AC supplies for these.
Follow this link to see our supplies of inkjet cartridges.
Color Stylewriter 4100. This is an HP inkjet printer made for Mac use; it is very different from the Apple-made Stylewriters. We no longer have this in stock. We have some external AC power supplies or "power cords" for these at $10 each plus shipping and handling.
Color Stylewriter 2200 "portable" inkjet printer. Small inkjet intended for laptop and portable use. With cable and A/C supply. One printer available, not retested, worked once, as is. $29 plus shipping. Too little interest to maintain or test this printer. Estimated shipping weight 10 lbs.
Portable Stylewriter printer, M1446. Portable printer, holds a few sheets of paper, uses Stylewriter black print cartridge. (this is NOT the color model.) With A/C supply, internal batteries (probably dead), cable for serial print. Cable connects to PC parallel connector on Stylewriter. Uses Quickdraw driver, download it from Apple! Seems to print and handle paper OK; apple says 360 DPI printer, weight 4.5 lbs (including cables and A/C supply?). With A/C adapter and used print cartridge, One printer available, AS IS $29 plus shipping. Worked once but too little interest to maintain or test this printer.
Follow this link to see our supplies of inkjet cartridges.
section to see how to order and pay.
The Imagewriter II was a popular "impact" or dot-matrix printer for the compact Macs and the Mac II series. It still is necessary to print multipart forms. It has a 9-pin print head and can use a black ribbon or a color ribbon. For more info on the Imagewriter II, check my technical notes.
I also have a few Imagewriter I printers (Apple model A9M0303 printer), an older model of printer sold with Apple II, the Mac 128K and Mac 512K. Also ask if I have the rare and expensive Imagewriter IILQ with extra-wide carriage. If you are looking for an IW I, ask what I have available, sold tested and working but unwarranted otherwise; please don't ask for "best possible condition" but note any conditions you insist upon.
I don't offer new-stock ribbons.
Printer cables are available.
When ordering a printer, please specify color (grey or white); some printers we
have are faded to yellow, let me know if you will accept one of them at a reduced price.
Printers are sold "clean and working", tested but no extended warrenty.
Consider shipping cost when asking to buy a Imagewriter or Imagewriter II printer. These are large and heavy items, which will cost tens of dollars US to ship within the USA. I'm in New Jersey; if you are in California (3000 miles) the shipping cost could be $40, $50 as of 2021. PLease don't expect to buy a printer with shipping for $50 total or less: won't happen. Sorry.
The ImageWriter II came in two models. The older and heavier model A9M0310
(white) or A9M0320 (grey); and the newer model G0010 (C0090LL/A or C009011/A).
They both perform and look identical; however some case parts are not
interchangable. Both accept the same Appletalk add-on card. And the
ribbons and print heads are the same. The features of the newer G0010 model are:
- lighter in weight due to switching power supply instead of A/C transformer supply.
- 24K of memory buffer, no memory upgrade card needed
Please note: we test printers by actually printing something, using self-test. Beware of
others who just "power up" the printer without printing. These can fail to print for many reasons.
ImageWriter II, model A9M0310 (white) or A9M0320 (grey). Ship. wt. 30 lbs.
- in white or grey/platinum: $69 plus shipping, sold tested and working.
ImageWriter II, newer model G0010 (C0090LL/A or C009011/A). These were
manufactured in grey only. $79 plus shipping, sold tested and working, shipping wt. 21 lbs.
ImageWriter II sheet feeders. Allow automated use of standard sheet paper. Hard
to find, many of these are damaged. Ask if I have any
available. Price depends on condition and cosmetics. Shipping weight 10 lbs.
A copy of the manual is available, ask for details.
Appletalk option for IW II or IW II LQ, simple to install
- ask if boards only are available. 670-4208-B for II/LQ, 670-4201-A II only
- for IW II, in original box, opened, A9B0311, with card, manual, disks, and papers: $79 plus shipping
- for IW II or LQ, in original box, opened, A9B0314, with card, manual, disks, and papers: $89 plus shipping
- sealed boxes available at higher price, ask
See my network section for Appletalk Phonenet accessories.
This links to a text page list of my currently available Imagewriter and Imagewriter II printers.
For serial/printer cables, see my cables section.
Apple IW II manuals available: $15 each, see the books section.
ImageWriter I's, model number A9M0303, are available for $59 plus
shipping. Shipping weight 19 lbs. Also, see
the collectables section for an IW I in its
original box! for connecting an Imagewriter I to a Mac, check
this document.
This links to a text page list of my currently available Imagewriter and Imagewriter II printers.
The Imagewriter I, II and IILQ all take the same ribbons.
section to see how to order and pay.
I have some old unused Apple toner cartridges, for the printers listed on this Web page. That includes several LaserWriter II (HP Laserjet II) toner cartridges. Ask what's available for your Apple Laserwriter or HP LaserJet printer. Because of age you may have to remove some foam material from inside the cartridge, but other parts should be OK.
June 2016: I purchased some HP brand toner cartridges for the HP Color LaserJet 4500 and 4550. They are likely about ten years old, still sealed in their HP retail boxes. C4190, C4191, C4192, C4193 for black, yellow, cyan, magenta $50 plus shipping for the four.
Read this note for info on which inkjet cartridges to use with Stylewriter printers.
We have some unused old stock inkjet tanks, cartridges, and carriers for the Stylewriters. These are Apple or Canon or other manufacturers, unused and sealed. They may require a little coaxing to get started. Often I will put a drop of water at the end of the ink "tank" or at the printhead. We generally want to sell these with printers, otherwise it costs several dollars to pack and ship even one of these. Ask for what is available; due to age we can't warrant these. They are in color or black for tanks or for the "carriers" which hold the tanks and snap into the printer.
Some people ask about running their Apple printers off Ethernet. Well, Apple provided an Appletalk interface, to run
over Ethernet wiring. THIS IS NOT ETHERNET for your printer. Our notes about this are on our Mac Network parts page and those notes are called Networking notes: connections, printers, software issues.
This section will list devices which adapt printers to the Mac or which adapt Mac printers to Windows or other environments.
For instance, a company called "Orange Micro" made a series of devices with the "Grappler" model name. The two Grappler units I have are:
Grappler LQ 24-pin\Laser interface. used, untested; small box about the size of a calculator, with a Windows PC-type parallel/Centronix port connector at one end (to plug into Centronix connector of a printer) and cable at other end to DIN-8 (Apple printer port connector). Also a power connector to an external power supply (voltage not listed on box.) Grappler LQ 24-pin\Laser interface as above, $20 plus shipping.
Grappler LQ 24-pin\Laser interface in UNOPENED BOX, still shrink-wrapped: Same unit as the used unit above, includes instructions and A/C power supply. The container mentions many more printers, including I.Itoh C-815. $25 plus shipping.
Copyright © 2023 Herb Johnson